Is the Haka cultural appropriation?

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The Haka probably is cultural appropriation, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

So what you're saying is that the New Zealand rugby team can't use a traditional challenge from the indigenous population of New Zealand because they ain't Maori.

It has been controversial in New Zealand with the All Blacks being seen to profit from it and make the version they use the 'official' one. Also underfunding of Maori rugby and all white teams going to apartheid South Africa. Here is an old article and a more recent one about a tribe being given the property rights.
Well I’m not sure. But I was thinking of that lass who got lamblasted (sic) for wearing a Chinese dress to her prom a while back or someone who got shouted at for putting cornrows in her hair, and I was watching a load of white blokes doing a Maori dance just there and wondered how they can get away with it when others can’t.

(For the record, I don’t think my two examples are cultural appropriation)

Lots of the ‘white blokes’ have in the All Blacks side have some Maori heritage and those Maori lads are playing a ‘white man’s’ game?
In the real world? Of course not.

Unfortunately the madhouse is ever-encroaching.
This. We should make summat up and just do it in response. Or turn our backs (I know it’s been done before but I don’t see why we have to “respect” it).
Should just laugh it off, then when it's finished shake their hands "well done savage, lovely dance. Pip pip."
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