Face coverings in England.

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Who was it on here was cancelling their Scottish holiday as face masks was the 'last straw' ? :lol: :lol: , presumably they'll be going nowhere now. Simple measure that should have been introduced at the same time all over UK, but Boris was too busy trying to be a libertarian wannabee mini-Trump and playing political games instead of just agreeing with Scotland's health decisions straight away ;).

WHO didn’t say masks were necessary until June.

Behavioural sciences suggest masks are in part worn to give confidence to those unsure about going out. Also suggests it gives people over confidence and they will end up infected as they will take more risks.

Masks are worn in Asia historically because of poor air quality not virus busting.

66,000 dead ye whoppa :lol:
•partly imo down to the selfishness and stupidity of the entitled British public. •Partly down to the woeful handling of this crisis by the british government.

Anyway. Run along and get ye mask sourced theres a good lad.

what's so funny about 66000 dead people?
I think part of it is that there is a portion of society who are now shit scared to venture out, so is about trying to get them out to help economy.

The help for the vulnerable stops at the end of July. They need to be able to access shops and as wearing a mask reduces the risk to them, then it's a good thing if people can do that.
WHO didn’t say masks were necessary until June.

Behavioural sciences suggest masks are in part worn to give confidence to those unsure about going out. Also suggests it gives people over confidence and they will end up infected as they will take more risks.

Masks are worn in Asia historically because of poor air quality not virus busting.

After which Boris brought them in on transport but not shops, the argument isn't about masks helping, it's about when they are helpful and practical. If they help at all then he has caused an unneccessary delay by refusing to follow advice and not going along with the devolved governments more experienced decision-making.

The irony is masks have until now mostly been worn by those trying to protect themselves, when the evidence is they are almost entirely about catching droplets and protecting others, not the wearer. They may give confidence, but they also serve to remind people that there is still an issue, social distancing has increased in shops up here since the masks came in not reduced. Behavioural Science textbooks were all written before any of the authors had been through a pandemic and no studies of the consequences of public mask use in the UK exist yet as we haven't started doing it yet. The WHO advice was always face covering, the worry was about creating shortages of medical masks where needed most.
The public were told they made no difference, and were discouraged from touching their faces (which is increased by putting on/taking off/adjusting a mask). Additionally back in March/April/May, there wasn't sufficient masks for those that might need them most.
Common sense was to listen to advice.
No common sense was to use something to block any aerosol effect of sneezing or coughing.
Masks will make folks a bit less nervous of going into shops etc, I need to get my hands on one of those washable / reusable ones.

A company called Masks UK do them. Think they are based in Huddersfield
Masks will make folks a bit less nervous of going into shops etc, I need to get my hands on one of those washable / reusable ones.

A company called Masks UK do them. Think they are based in Huddersfield
The WHO said last month it was impossible for asymptomatic people to spread the disease, then changed their stance to ‘very rarely’ spread it. So unless your coughing/sneezing or have symptoms already it’s very rare you would be contagious according to the WHO
Can someone try and explain why your view on this reflects your political stance? In the US especially, it’s a clear dividing line

its not political at all. when did being a functioning member of society disappear? When did it become “me me me, I don’t want to”.
Trump didn't want to wear one.
So he had to kind of retro-fit reasons why.
His followers took up on the idea so it became a left/right thing.
The WHO said last month it was impossible for asymptomatic people to spread the disease, then changed their stance to ‘very rarely’ spread it. So unless your coughing/sneezing or have symptoms already it’s very rare you would be contagious according to the WHO

they also said their was no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the virus back in January
Covid as been found in sewage and toilet bathroom facililties etc Can anyone let me know if a pair of Underpants and a pair of Jeans would be effective when someone farts in a public place... as were there is an offensive body odour there is often bacteria. hence washing your hands etc
The help for the vulnerable stops at the end of July. They need to be able to access shops and as wearing a mask reduces the risk to them, then it's a good thing if people can do that.

Even with this, a canny few of them still won't go out.

Like the quarantine, it'll last a couple of weeks then dropped after the high Street shops twisting that their takings are down a canny bit
Covid as been found in sewage and toilet bathroom facililties etc Can anyone let me know if a pair of Underpants and a pair of Jeans would be effective when someone farts in a public place... as were there is an offensive body odour there is often bacteria. hence washing your hands etc
You could wear a mask but walk about farting spreading the disease. This of course would cause outrage till next year when mandatory arse filters / adult nappies come into play
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