High blood pressure

I mean it's a bit of drink but I wouldn't say it's excessive.
It's 2 decent days out a week or 3 pints daily.
I know it's over the recommendations but hardly on the lash every day.
How high is it like?
It's most definitely excessive, it's around 4 times of the recommended amount that should be spread across any given week. Aside from the alcohol content you're going to be necking an extra 3000-4000 calories depending on what you're drinking.
I work shifts so my sleeping pattern is all over the shop.
Ah, that's a bit of an issue. Still try to get the 7/8hours though.
Apple tends to take the worst of the earthy taste away. Ginger adds a nice zing to it.
It's class with some ginger. Turns yer shite a bit of a shocking colour though, can be quite alarming the first time you see it :lol:
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It's most definitely excessive, it's around 4 times of the recommended amount that should be spread across any given week. Aside from the alcohol content you're going to be necking an extra 3000-4000 calories depending on what you're drinking.

Ah, that's a bit of an issue. Still try to get the 7/8hours though.
If it's 20 pints of coors it's 2000 calories and he does exercise regularly.
I'm not disagreeing it's well over the recommended but a lot of people drink way more that that a week.
Obviously a lot less is way more healthier though I agree.
Walking is all well and good but try to throw in some proper cardio to raise your heart rate more . My BP was higher when I turned 40 than it is now (I'm 52). I never took tablets but started watching salt intake, exercising more, etc. It reduced back to normal levels and hovered around their for years. The main differences now to then are I sleep better (having previously worked shifts), generally less stressed (work/family related) and lost a bit weight. I still watch what I eat mostly and try to refrain from drinking too much. I've always played footy (once/twice a week) and do a bit HIIT once or twice a week also as well as walking the dog a couple of hours a day.
If you come off the drugs will it just shoot up again?

I'd imagine so. I'm on an annual review and got my first one coming up later this year.

Cut out caffeine and significantly reduced sugar and alcohol. Also trying to be more active and get more sleep. Hopefully that might help.

Edit: also cut right down on my salt licking parties.
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I mean it's a bit of drink but I wouldn't say it's excessive.
It's 2 decent days out a week or 3 pints daily.
I know it's over the recommendations but hardly on the lash every day.
How high is it like?
Some days it's not too bad. It'll be about 140 over 98 then next day it could hit 155 over 108.
Some days it's not too bad. It'll be about 140 over 98 then next day it could hit 155 over 108.
When I first found out it was high I got myself a home monitor but I found I was possibly getting stressed before taking the readings. I would then take 2-3 readings over 10 mins to average out but they were all over the shop. I ended up ditching it and just going for the regular check at doctors. White coat syndrome can also raise it at doc's as well. The older you get the normal figures increase slightly. Basically, try not to stress too much about it as your figures are not horrendous - you can do something about yours to get it down. All good advice in here = treat your body better basically.
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I'm not over weight.
My dad was athletic his whole life but his heart went bang at 69 due to blood pressure,
He was on meds for six months but by then it was too late. Hadn't been to the docs for years as was "fit and healthy". only found out when his nose wouldn't stop bleeding.
I'd say take the meds mate
I found out mine was high through a basic health check at work. I just lost a couple of stone, cut down the drinking and started taking the dog out more. My readings are spot on now.
I’ve been on medication for years now. When I first found out it was high I done all the usual things, lose weight, cut out salt, no processed food, cut the drink etc but still didn’t bring it down. Runs in my dads side of the family so doctors says it’s more than likely hereditary. Listen to the doctor and take meds. Life’s too short and you’ve only got one heart mate 👍🏻
I was tablet free until 40
As in for lifestyle stuff
I was in serious medication for psoriasis and it set everything away
Gout ,cholesterol, blood pressure
To be fair nowt I take seems to stop me getting by
I have a good machine at home and I've tried stopping the tablets and it creeps up
I'm ideal now and 3.6 cholesterol
Both with drugs so bravo medicine I say
Its pretty much all been said - lifestyle is very important especially alcohol.

I dont understand the logic of not wanting to take drugs and being happy to put 50 units of alcohol a week in your system??!

Drugs that are proven to reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke - dont want them
Drug that increases risks of cancer as well as rises your BP - I'll have 50 units of that a week please 🤣🤣.

If you want another non drug solution try isometric hand grip exercises. Its a bit odd but can be as effective as a tablet in reducing your BP
3 key things I've learned:

1. Ground flax seed
2. Breathe right, through the nose, there are books out there on it and it has a major impact
3. If you haven't discussed this with a doctor just up your steps every day. Start hitting, say, 10k a day for 5 out of 7 days. This should be very achievable but don't start hitting weights and major reps before talking to your GP

Get your heart checked out to make sure your physical side is covered. If there are family or other stress stuff going on then that is clearly also going to have an impact so be honest about everything going on.

Also, do you support SAFC? oh FFS......................
Cut sugar from your diet entirely. Avoid foods that are high carb. If you like a drink have spirits with sugar free mixers (or neat)
Exersize (walking is good) Try intermittent fasting maybe 16/8.

I was 20st. Type 2, HBP, High Cholesterol. On 6 tablets a day. Went keto. Now 15st. No tablets. BP perfect. Cholesterol was ok. No longer type 2!
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I have high blood pressure at around 150 over 90 - take Rampiril to keep it down

The bottom one at 100 is pretty high - although you need to get a second machine to check irs readings concur . Also try measuring when you're highly stressed to compare with when relaxed

tbh I would take a pill - no side effects at all but depresses it for me .

Having hyper tension can lead to serious probs if you're not careful

Things I have done in the past which do bring bp down ( but only temp) ...

1. More exercise
2. less booze / fags ( you didn't mention smoking so I will presume you dont)
3. less stress
4. meditation ( only 10 mins can work to relax you)
5. Google foods thst can bring down BP. Garlic is the biggie .... A couple of segments per day will bring it down by around 10% ( in my exp.) but won't do much for your halitosis
Lose weight , drop caffeine, moderate exercise regular , don't smoke , drink less alcohol , watch for hidden salt in processed food.
Good advice
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High blood pressure is in your genes, I lost my grandad and great grand to it, I am meant to have it, But so far nothing i get tested yearly
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