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No mate, I don't care what you grow. If you are buying a packet of seeds from a Southern producer then they will be labelled as swedes. Supermarkets insist on doing this too. But that doesn't mean that to people in the North East and Soctland they're not turnips. Because a southerner (or southern producer or retailer) is using a different definition doesn't make their definition right and ours wrong.
I use a Scottish seed for the Swedes I grow.
Gowrie is the name.
Look it up Marra.;)
Just been talking about Halloween with the eldest. Anyway he’s just stared at me in disbelief and laughed his tits off when I told him that we used turnips instead of pumpkins when I was a kid. In fact I’m sure I never even saw a one in real life till at least 1990 or summit. You simply couldn’t buy them in supermarkets over here could you? Someone back me up :confused:

Concurred. Used to see them on Charlie Brown cartoons and think they were just American turnips.
I recall at least 1 lad having to use a large potato as his older brother got the family turnip.

Do bullies still walk the streets with a can of hairspray, torching the narkies of unsuspecting children, like you used to?
Just been talking about Halloween with the eldest. Anyway he’s just stared at me in disbelief and laughed his tits off when I told him that we used turnips instead of pumpkins when I was a kid. In fact I’m sure I never even saw a one in real life till at least 1990 or summit. You simply couldn’t buy them in supermarkets over here could you? Someone back me up :confused:

Your correct, I'm sure I never started seeing pumpkins readily available until about 2000.
It was narkies and a black bin bag with arms and a head cut out for me.
Must've been a bugger to cut out the narkie, they're hard as owt.
The lantern tradition came from Ireland where turnips were used I believe. Pumpkins are a fucksight easier to carve though- the blisters on your palm and mangled cutlery were a high price to pay!
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