You know you’re old when ...

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If I go to bed and play on my phone for a bit, or watch a bit of TV, I can't just go to sleep. I have to get up, go for a piss and THEN I can go to sleep

Forgot about that - having to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning for a piss - sometimes stubbing a toe, or standing on the wife's (no) hair straighteners that she leaves lying on the floor - rarely get a full 7 or 8 hours kip these days.
..... you remember having to drop to 2nd gear to get up Houghton Cut.
Did your hoss and cart have gears like?

Speed is irrelevant as you’re limited to 50mph and that’s not enough to maintain it in 6th gear.
Depends on your motor.
*Disclaimer: although some of my previous cars have been able to perform the above feat my current van is sadly not capable.


It’s not like he’s some towering cultural touchstone we’d expect to transcend generations like, say, Michael Jackson.
He was pretty specific about his generational preferences to be fair mate.

Bit of a wad she was. Still is probably given my age.
An old mate of mine was on the same flight as her about 7 or 8 years ago. He thought this bloke was going to hit him until he realised it was her.

When you play footy and people bring their kids along to play who are fully grown adults.
Then you can’t walk for the next 24 hours.
That's not why you're concentrating on keeping a bonk on for 60 minutes is it?
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