Trout pouts

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A couple of young lasses (early 20's) who worked in our hotel were absolutely stunning, both naturally beautiful
One of them insisted we all became friends on pyatt book. When I went on to per.... Err I mean check their profile out I hardly recognised them. They both look like they're entering a bash Street kids plug look-alike contest with that gormless pout the daft twats pull. They look fuck all like they do in real life and not in a good way. Why do they do it????
Exactly this. f***ing ridiculous.
Does anyone find this even slightly attractive? I'm the other way - I find it a massive turn off.
Saw a lass last night who was tidy in every department except her stupid inflated mouth.
Do women who do it have some kind of mental illness, like anorexia? Do they look in the mirror and think they look class, when in reality everyone else thinks they look ridiculous?
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Would you?
I'd imagine the only sort of fellas to like this look would be utter thundercunts like this clown..
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That's my new favourite picture. Every time I feel shit about stuff, I look at that. And laugh immensely :lol:
Perception is a funny thing isn't it?
He probably sits in his nightclub booth with his Grey Goose and his roids and his barbie doll bird laughing at you.
I saw a (female) friend last week back in the UK from Houston for a wedding. She was never pretty. Over the past decade she has had the lot done. Started with a tummy tuck and has then worked her way up unless she took a detour via the minge. She is now grotesque. The latest transformational surgery was as a consequence of believing her chin to be the wrong shape or that she was about as undershot as my spaniel. So she had her jaw broken and reset into the desired position. And then a few implants.

I kid you not ,,,,,,when she speaks , there is nothing, zilch, fuck all , that moves............just this sound that comes out from behind closed teeth.

She'd make a fortune sat on a stool with her hand up the arse of a duck makin on it could talk.
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