Still the funniest thing ever at an Safc game?

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The most I’ve ever laughed at a match was Kimpiokas ‘shot’ in one of the trophy games earlier in the season. Can’t remember who it was against.
From Swindon I have loads, definitely more evident in the lower Leagues.
One memorable one that always stands out.

Mate of mine, still goes owned a B&B in Blackpool.
It was all arranged a long weekend up in Blackpool v Swindon and was open to a fair few Swindon. 4 of us drove up early Saturday and immediately hit the beer.

It was the start of the second half, a story that still does the rounds even now.
Swindon were about to kick off and a player (Man Utd loanee kid that I can’t remember his name) glanced into the crowd. We were situated in a temporary stand on the side at that time. A few seconds before that the Brother of the lad who owned the B&B decided to set light to his Brothers hair. Now we’ve no idea what he had on it but a huge blue flame engulfed his locks. The Man Utd loanee just stopped and stared despite the whistle being blown to commence the half.
Panic set in and the flames were put out. He was immediately ejected by the Police for causing a disturbance :) well he did argue.
10 minutes before the end he appears in the Blackpool end the the tune of “Who’s the wanker in the flames.”
Most enjoyable weekend.
Standing in the old roker end 1990's next to the steel fence that separated us from the smoggies start of the second half. Loads of insults and posturing going on between the two sets of supporters then one of our lot lobbed the pie he was eating over the fence and it hit one of the smoggies right on his forehead. What a mess. Everybody just fell about laughing!
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