Nikki Allen

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If George Heron had showed up in this region to contest his innocence in the civil case I have no doubt someone would of killed him and I'm not trying to be blasé about the fact.
I remember the time of Grievson murdering those lads and the coppers saying the deaths were down to substance abuse gone wrong!!!! The poor parents even had to go onto a daytime chat show (might of been This Morning) pleading for someone to do something. That was probably the first time I realised how incompetent Northumbria police can be at times, I very much doubt the Nikki Allen case will ever be solved in court.

You're using the word technicality as if it is a bad thing. The whole system of law is 'technicality'. The bit that was thrown out was the confession. They had nothing else as evidence so the case fell down.

The second part was common knowledge at the time. Feelings are still running high now so back then I'm sure you can imagine what it was like. Irrespective of whether you believe it to be true, he had nothing to gain from coming back. 'Clearing his name' isn't possible as people have already made their minds up and a court of law isn't enough to convince them. Would you come back under those circumstances? I'm fairly sure that I wouldn't.

By your own admission you know nothing of the case other than an internet link you have just found. Good for you if you prefer internet speculation over a court of law but I prefer things to be a bit more concrete.

If you were accused of something, would you be comfortable with this forum being judge and jury?

there's even reference to incidents during the original trial in the article that was posted
it boiled down to the fact that Heron didn't have a proper solicitor present when he admitted it, the legal representative he had was under qualified or summit along those lines, when they demolished the building last year with her portrait on the company erected scaffold and sheeting to spare peoples feelings which was a nice of them imo.
As do I, hence my link to a site about the case and questioning if your statement could be supported or was mere speculation on your part.

It would appear it was the latter!

What actually happened was nothing short of a disgrace.

The police bullied the local loner into giving a 'confession'.

It is clear from the records that he didn't have the first clue as to how the little girl was murdered.

The only other thing they 'had' was that Heron had spots of blood on his shoes according to his sister.

Well, let me tell you, whomever did this would have been covered in blood - all over his white shirt. A butcher would know how to avoid blood being sprayed all over you and it wouldn't involve stabbing someone in a frenzy. The murderer would have left that building with blood all over him.
What actually happened was nothing short of a disgrace.

The police bullied the local loner into giving a 'confession'.

It is clear from the records that he didn't have the first clue as to how the little girl was murdered.

The only other thing they 'had' was that Heron had spots of blood on his shoes according to his sister.

Well, let me tell you, whomever did this would have been covered in blood - all over his white shirt. A butcher would know how to avoid blood being sprayed all over you and it wouldn't involve stabbing someone in a frenzy. The murderer would have left that building with blood all over him.

Wasn't he supposed to have learning difficulties aswell, and just 'confessed' under intense pressure from the police?
Also it was common knowledge that Nikki had been seen outside the pub at the time she was murdered but over the years this has somehow changed into she had just left her Grandfathers house.
Poor bairn though, 7 years old :( the same age as my son. It doesn't bear thinking about.
Wasn't he supposed to have learning difficulties aswell, and just 'confessed' under intense pressure from the police?
Also it was common knowledge that Nikki had been seen outside the pub at the time she was murdered but over the years this has somehow changed into she had just left her Grandfathers house.
Poor bairn though, 7 years old :( the same age as my son. It doesn't bear thinking about.

I can't think of a more disgusting crime.

He didn't confess under intense pressure. He told them he didn't do it and when they insisted he did, he told them he killed her in a fashion which was completely inconsistent with what happened.

The problem for the polis is: do they really want this solved so that everyone knows it wasn't Heron?

'Reason being that in the event the murderer turned out to be a man who is now locked up but was then at liberty and went on to murder another child, then what blame do the police hold or the death of that other child as they focused their efforts on making their man fit the crime rather than catch the murderer; and what responsibility do they hold for Heron having to leave the area and the solicitor's premises being fire bombed?

They could face a lawsuit.
There's a thread on here about that Netflix show Making a Murderer (or something like that) which the nephew, who had learning difficulties, of the accused is interviewed/interrogated by the polis. It has similarities to Heron's "interview".
Surely with dna and everything these days sumit can be done.

And that lad who got the blame at first didn't he have the blood all over his clothes and his own sister grassed him up or sumit.
Wasn't he supposed to have learning difficulties aswell, and just 'confessed' under intense pressure from the police?
Also it was common knowledge that Nikki had been seen outside the pub at the time she was murdered but over the years this has somehow changed into she had just left her Grandfathers house.
Poor bairn though, 7 years old :( the same age as my son. It doesn't bear thinking about.
He was in my class at school and was one of the brightest. He was badly abused by his father(eg. his dad shaved his hair off because he never got all top grades in some mock exams) so had emotional difficulties.
He was in my class at school and was one of the brightest. He was badly abused by his father(eg. his dad shaved his hair off because he never got all top grades in some mock exams) so had emotional difficulties.
own goal this mind TB ;)
soz for the quip on serious thread like!
Was it Grievsons mother who ran out of the house threatening people with a hand grenade after her windows got put out?
I'm canny sure that happened, maybe down Roker Ave or Dame Dot?
Anyone who has heard the interview would realise the lad was a bit 'slow' and the coppers were putting words in his mouth, half the time i don't even think he knows what he is agreeing with, flimsy at best down right trumped up at worst.
Very much this. I used to teach investigative interviewing and this interview was studied as a prime example of how not to interview a suspect.
I think the difficulty with this case is that the poor lass was allowed to wander, even late at night. So to ask locals to remember if they had seen her or anyone with her would be harder as it wasn't exactly a rare occurance.

Her mother lived in the street my parents first lived in when she was nikki's age. And the same was true of her mother in the 70's being allowed to wander. I kind of get the feeling that the standard of parenting was not the highest. For a number of generations.

That said I can sympathise with her mother, no one should loose their child like that.

The fact the Mother often abandoned her kid while she was in the pub seems to have been subject to a rewrite of History as I heard her mention something in the press about only leaving her for 7 minutes.

As for any new evidence - would it surprise anyone if it is just some attention seeking knob who thinks they will get some fame/ publicity out of it?

I assume Northumbrias finest were not so hot at gathering DMA evidence back on those days either, as don't recall it being discussed much.

reading some of the news stories from the time it appears that the story changes to one of her collecting money for her Guy Fawkes doll
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