Most famous person you have ever met?

John Williams. Got to sit through his rehearsal as the only person in the audience, make a brew for him in the green room and then ask shit questions for a student newsletter that were cringe worthy. Totally down to Earth and a nice bloke.
Tony Blair, week before the election was called that made him PM.

Shania Twain, on a flight in the US. She was lovely, and I had no idea who she was (she wasnt a big name here at the time). Another passenger had to tell me who she was and I thought nothing of it.

Dickie Bird. Met him at Headingly. Absolute gent and great crack. Really good with the lad and everyone who spoke to him.
Bill Gates. Went to a private party that he hosted when I was around 17. Said hello to him and had a brief chat. This was in the late 90's.
Dame Judy Dench in her dressing room at the Barbican. G/f at the time was a much younger cousin. Judy had just played Mother Courage with a heavy head cold and was absolutely knackered but utterly charming. She'd had to push a massive cart FFS!
Saul out of James. He is a mate of a neighbour, and when Saul was visiting and his car wouldn't start he came to me for help ("Cam belt's gone... it's fucked mate!") We spent an hour chatting over a couple of beers while the Relay came, and Saul has showed up at our street party a couple of times. Very unassuming and quite a witty man.
