Most famous person you have ever met?

And by met I mean actually conversed with, not I saw robbie williams on stage once.

Not sure who is more famous but mine would be Sophie Ellis Bexter or Kelly Jones (lead singer of the stereophonics).

Both happened a few years ago now.

Sophie Ellis Bexter's child (Little ginger boy) was eating chips off my plate when I wasn't looking and she rushed over to apologise.

Was backstage waiting for Noel Gallagher to finish his set at the isle of wight, was hoping to meet him and he got ushered by with some bodyguards. Rather gutted, I strolled away before bumping into Kelly Jones who was just hanging about there for some reason. More than happy to get a picture taken, lovely bloke.

Unfortunately the lass who I got to take a picture of us on my phone was utterly hopeless and I stupidly didn't think to check the picture before he wandered off. Checked it on my way back to the boneyard and it had both of our heads cut off. Just a picture of two blokes from the neck down. Could have been anyone....
David Moyes, Niall Quinn or Phil Middlemass

Peter Reid
Bernie Winters and Schnorbitz
Spuggie from Byker Grove
Lord Puttman
Eric Pollard
Gary Bennett
Hulio Arca
Eric Gates
Bobby Kerr
Dean Gordon Played on same poker table
Wes Saunders (former mag "safc supporting" player)
Teekay from Skypoker
Walked past and smiled at Thierry Henry who smiled back, in Selfidges
Oh, was in the same year at school as Martin Smith
And by met I mean actually conversed with, not I saw robbie williams on stage once.

Not sure who is more famous but mine would be Sophie Ellis Bexter or Kelly Jones (lead singer of the stereophonics).

Both happened a few years ago now.

Sophie Ellis Bexter's child (Little ginger boy) was eating chips off my plate when I wasn't looking and she rushed over to apologise.

Was backstage waiting for Noel Gallagher to finish his set at the isle of wight, was hoping to meet him and he got ushered by with some bodyguards. Rather gutted, I strolled away before bumping into Kelly Jones who was just hanging about there for some reason. More than happy to get a picture taken, lovely bloke.

Unfortunately the lass who I got to take a picture of us on my phone was utterly hopeless and I stupidly didn't think to check the picture before he wandered off. Checked it on my way back to the boneyard and it had both of our heads cut off. Just a picture of two blokes from the neck down. Could have been anyone....
Henry Winkler (The Fonz) introduced himself to me one, out of the blue.

William Shatner, Mick Foley, Ralph Macchio, Ric Flair, Karen Gillen, Mariah Carey, Shaq, Michael Jordan.....
Tom Araya, he was lovely, we spent about 10 minutes cracking on about music.
Just as I thought he was gonna ask me to join the band, he started talking to someone else, f***ing slut :evil: :D
Colin Chapman, founder of Lotus Cars. I had no idea who he was but he was at a party my parents took us to in San Antonio in about 1970. My Ma took me over to him and said "Hello Mr Chapman, this is my son. He's been dying to meet you but is too shy". He shook my hand and nothing else happened as neither of us had anything to say to each other.

John Miles appeared at a party I was at in Boldon wearing a very spectacular red frilly suede cowboy outfit complete with hat. I was a bit pissed and didn't recognise him but complimented him on his flamboyant appearance. He asked me if I knew who he was so I truthfully answered that I did not. He revealed that he was John Miles so I complimented him on the one record he had made that I knew of, namely "Music". He thanked me and we spoke no more.

John Miles used to live in Boldon (not far from the Red Lion) went round his house once as I sort of knew his son and there were photos of his dad with Tina Turner, Roy Orbison and all sorts of others on the walls.
Gareth Thomas, 1998 in Newcastle at Sci-Fi/Comic Con type thing. I was standing at the Blake’s 7 memorbelia counter talking away to the couple that ran it, felt this tap on my shoulder and turned round and it was Gareth Thomas, I was a bit taken aback/star struck and we stood talking about ten minutes. Have to say he was probably the nicest guy you could meet. Apparently so long as you bought him a pint at the bar he would talk for hours with anecdotes etc

James Morrison same event as above as I was standing waiting for the lift at the hotel it was being held in. He appeared next to me, I didn‘t say anything at first as I did want to intrude but he started to chat to me as we were waiting, asking where I was from and how I was finding the event.

There was one other I met, I was about 11 and had been to a Panto at the Sunderland Empire in December 1981, we standing outside afterwards and this comedian who was in the Panto came out and started talking to us, he well known at the time and had appeared on TV, but for the life of me I cannot remember who it was :oops:
Oh yes you can
Bill Gates at a do in London.
Used to deliver Geoff Hurst's papers when I were a lad and he gave me a Xmas box one year.
Best one was Quinny at a London Branch do.
At the Swiss? I was there for one or 2
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I saw in the Purtney branch of M&S John Pertwee but never talked to him. I just saw him. He was looking at something.

The most famous celebrity I have met is the only one - Big Daddy.
Geoff Boycott on train back from London, had a bit chat about creekit ( lords test was on that day ) I was on me way back from Millwall, lost 4-1, Gabbiadinis last game think it was. He asked score, told him, said wouldnt have happened in his time, ' Sunderland were a good team then' . Got him to sign me programme.
