Homemade food concoctions you have ate that others may think are manky as owt.

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Tomatosauce on pancakes, ma would give me them all the time thought it was normal till I slept at a mates and his ma asked me what I wanted on me pancakes, got a dodgy look when I asked for the tommy sauce.
I eat normally now as I'm not a complete radge pot but at uni I used to carb load after rugby via mixing smash and bisto together and putting it in a sandwich. With some tomato soss.
Mother used to slice an aero so it crumbled onto bread and butter to make a sandwich. Yum. Used to have it for supper.

On another note, anyone remember carlings? Dark brown peas and used to put salt and vinegar on.
'when i was at uni' - cheap margherita pizza from dirty ronnies oven cooked to perfection, topped up with a layer of freshly made smash instant mash then a layer of baked beans, finished with a covering of cheese slices, back in oven for 5 minutes - dynamite

hungry now
Sugar sarnie? Eh what the actual fuck
:lol: There are a few on here that have eaten sugar sarnies as a kid, so it is not just me. ;)

If you want proper manky, I used to sometimes chew my Chop sauce on bread sarnies for a little, take it out of my mouth, roll it into a few balls and put back on my plate. A nice plate of snack balls to eat as I watched my cartoons. :cool:
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