Ever saved anyone's life?

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Fairly high chance he would, I’d guess.

@cornish mackem might know better

He will have saved a lot of lives, more than anyone on here unless there’s another person in the same job
Done a few but I’ve made a difference to vastly vastly more. It’s a perk of the job I guess.
Working in London and Naloxone was the only drug I carried that didn’t go out of date as it was used that often.
My ma jumped in the River Thames and saved two kids that had fallen in (down at Deptford). She never talks about it, but iirc "Nationwide" (old TV programme) did a little story about it.

My ten year old jumped into a swimming pool and dragged his six year old brother to the side. The six year old thought he was a good swimmer but the deep water threw him. Things like this happen so quickly, I was there but just checking the two year old wasn't about to jump in the water too, you look down for a nano second and something has happened. The whole incident probably was over in 30 seconds but it could have ended so differently.
Problies several. In previous lives I was a paramedic and managed a cardiology department.

The week after I first did ACLS training I had to put the paddles on someone - hell of a thing!
Ambulance medic?

That must be a hard job.
I hit the 27 yrs mark last week man and boy Now work in a Drs Surgery but do 1 per month on an ambulance. It’s made me bitter and twisted mind and anything other than dying is just a scratch.
This is going to sound awful but bear with me. I listen to some of the stuff that people class as life changing or landmarks on here and I flick past them without even battling and eyelid. I know it’s not my family or friends (that’s what makes the difference) but I’ve seen the worst of the worst in all walks of life and I’ve really become desensitised by the sufferings of others. Don’t get me wrong, I would like me to go out to my family as I do the right thing but by Christ, some people need to walk in someone else’s shoes sometimes to see what real hardship and suffering is.
I starts jogging towards them fearing the worst, looks up, sees a white van bearing down on the bairn at around 40mph. Gets there just in time, scoops her up into my arms, vans flies past behind me, I gets a bonk on

I can imagine it must have been exciting but that surprises me.

I've talked someone out of suicide and known what to do when a mate overdosed until the paramedics got there but I'm not sure they would have died without me.
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Swimming lesson when I was in early senior school (1st or 2nd year, can't remember).

Lad slipped, smacked his head and went into the water. Started to sink.

I jumped in, pulled him out of the pool (he came round straight away) and that was it.

No 'children of courage' award for me.
Should have chucked the kernt back in.
I stopped an old lady from falling down the escalator at Kings Corss tube station once. She'd got in a right pickle trying to get her suitcase on it with her and was toppling over backwards. No idea whether the fall would/could have been fatal but I don't imagine it would have done her much good.
Me marra once fell from a rope swing into the river and the daft shite couldn't swim, so I had to run down the field to alert me ma n that. Me mam's mate's daughter (wad) ended up jumping in after him and bringing him safely to shore. Mind they nearly didn't believe me when I told them 'cos I was pissing mesell laughing. :lol:
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