Disney have ruined STAR WARS

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Well I’m sat waiting for it to start again, this time in IMAX. Took the missus and had to make do with 2D as she’s blind in one eye (explains a lot I suppose) so opted for the leather recliner sat Silverlink.
Really enjoyed it. Watched it in 3D and the dreadnaught at the start was like it was almost flying over your head.

Still get Goose bumps every time I see the yellow writing come on screen at the start.

Didn't realise that blond lass who was on the rebel cruiser and was winter in American horror story was Carrie fishers daughter
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Unfortunately read some leaks on Twitter one thing I read I found completely bizarre and want to know if true. :lol:

Does Leia get blown out of her ship then flys through space to another Superman style?

Just got back. Great film but this is the one bit that really annoyed me .

Watching it in 3D IMAX is insane. Highly recommended if possible!

My thoughts...

Good things..

1. The special FX. Incredible!
2. A good story. Nice and easy to understand. Not trying too hard like 'the shitty 3 films' to get some multi-twisted storyline going. Also, LOADS of good battles! Loved how all they way through they were on the run and fighting a losing battle. Smidges of Empire Strikes Back.
3. Yoda came back. Yay!
4. Rey's acting was good. I thought she was shit in the last one, but she came good here.
5. Lukes storyline. I thought it would suck if he just came back because Rey said please enough. Glad he wasn't so easily persuaded.

The bad..
1. The casino scene. The place was too earth like. They needed to make it more alien. It even looked like they were playing roulette and craps!
2. The way Leia died, froze up in space, then woke up then floated herself back into the ship. Sorry, but that was bollocks. I even gave out a little 'what the fuck?!' in the cinema!
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Spot on!

Leia Poppins or Matrix Luke? Kinell......
:lol: Fuckin' hell aye. The way they've nicked bits from other films is awful. The mirror scene is stright outta Harry Potter. I was honestly sat there at times thinking what the friggin' hell am I watching here 'cos is it fuck a Star Wars film. At least The Force Awakens had the nostalgia factor to at least keep you entertained.
There's a thread clearly marked for spoilers mind.
I don't think the OP said anything about keeping this spoiler free, though, and it was up well before the other one. My point still stands.
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