Animals and insects that have attacked you.

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Over the time I've had a few.

Hornets - I attacked their nest and so they attacked back and I got stung to fuck.
Been stung by both wasps and bees.
Dogs - Had a few attack me but made lucky escapes. A Chihuahua once bit my ankle
Birds - Had some crows attack me when I was rescuing their chick
A long legged flying insect once bit my lip and left a hole. Fuck knows what it was, I spat it out and it flew off quickly?
A few cats have attacked me for various reasons. Bit advice lads, don't stroke pussy that you are unsure of.
A lion once nearly tore my arm off.

There's more when I can remember them.

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I went into Brian Murrays scrapyard in Pallion with me dad and me nephew in about 1975 and the alsatian there took one look at me and bounded across the yard and sank its teeth into me arse.
One of my cats kindly dropped an irate shrew at my feet last year. I picked it up and it sank its teeth through my finger to the bone. Why couldn't he have done that to the cat instead? :neutral:

I once made the mistake of getting in between one of my cats who was having a fight in the garden with an interloper. My cat bit my hand and ran off. I ended up with an infected and frozen hand and had to go to A&E for a tetanus injection. :neutral:
Over the time I've had a few.

Hornets - I attacked their nest and so they attacked back and I got stung to fuck.
Been stung by both wasps and bees.
Dogs - Had a few attack me but made lucky escapes. A Chihuahua once bit my ankle
Birds - Had some crows attack me when I was rescuing their chick
A long legged flying insect once bit my lip and left a hole. Fuck knows what it was, I spat it out and it flew off quickly?
A few cats have attacked me for various reasons. Bit advice lads, don't stroke pussy that you are unsure of.
A lion once nearly tore my arm off.

There's more when I can remember them.

Red Ants in America, thousands on me. Apparently quite dangerous it was.
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