👀 Tim Martin’s wallet.

He believed in Britain being an independent nation, in charge of our own laws. A noble ideology, whether you desire that or not. How on earth is he a troll?
In reality he is on the receiving end of non-stop bullying and trolling from the "Remoaners". They wish the worst for him and target his appearance and social class. Absolute lunacy, and clearly a mental disease. Imagine if Brexit voters went round boycotting Remain-supporting businesses, ridiculing and calling their owners some horrendous things, and cheering any chance those businesses might fail.
They need to take a long look in the mirror.
You really are a dumb bunch , but of course being so dumb you lot will never ever admit it . And what are the benefits of leaving the EU that you may or may not see in 50 years time ? Go on name 5 😂
No strong feelings on Wetherspoons either way, but him blaming WFH for falling sales is laughable. The real issue is they need to reinvigorate their beers and food.
He never pays small breweries the going rate for their beers which is why he can afford to sell them so cheap. He doesn't help the small breweries whatsoever.

He is such a man of principle too that when he refused to sell beers from EU countries as a protest over Brexit, he refused to stop selling Stella as it was one of his biggest sellers.

Tim Martin is a cock end.
They shouldn’t sell to him then..
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For me I'm glad - It's always been about money with him, bullied breweries, bullied landlords, supported Brexit - not to make the UK better - so he could get drinks cheaper globally due to new trade deals and wanting a reduction in workers rights. Then the pandemic was his Ratners moment when he went public about his greed, but in this instance it was not about cheap tat and about real peoples income.

Now you could argue is he better or worse than the greenking fella, but the issue here is we don't know, the greenking fella keeps his head down and his name out the papers, Tim Martin craved the publicity that eventually got the people to turn on him.

I feel sorry for anyone who works for the greedy get.
You really are a dumb bunch , but of course being so dumb you lot will never ever admit it . And what are the benefits of leaving the EU that you may or may not see in 50 years time ? Go on name 5 😂
"You are dumb"
Clearly some teenager who sits watching American high school dramas.

This has been done. Can't keep going over the same thing because the thickos are too dumb to keep up.
He never pays small breweries the going rate for their beers which is why he can afford to sell them so cheap. He doesn't help the small breweries whatsoever.

He is such a man of principle too that when he refused to sell beers from EU countries as a protest over Brexit, he refused to stop selling Stella as it was one of his biggest sellers.

Tim Martin is a cock end.
Additionally, their practices are often horrendous towards small business. A friend of my late dad had a small brewing business. They took months to pay for his beer and it took them around 6 months to return his only barrels.
Because he's a total dickhead.
My boss is a total dickhead but I wouldn't rejoice if the business lost money. I got a 8% pay rise a couple of months back which I wouldn't have got if there had been big losses. Whatever you think of Tim it isn't a reason to be happy his business is losing money.
Somebody said it would be good if he went bust as other pubs would strive better. I'm not sure they would to any real extent. A lot of folk go to a spoons because they are affordable in these times of very high prices. Those people would likely just stop at home if they had to go back to paying the stupid prices we see in a lot of pubs.
My boss is a total dickhead but I wouldn't rejoice if the business lost money. I got a 8% pay rise a couple of months back which I wouldn't have got if there had been big losses. Whatever you think of Tim it isn't a reason to be happy his business is losing money.
Somebody said it would be good if he went bust as other pubs would strive better. I'm not sure they would to any real extent. A lot of folk go to a spoons because they are affordable in these times of very high prices. Those people would likely just stop at home if they had to go back to paying the stupid prices we see in a lot of pubs.
Does you boss go out in public to prove how much of a dickhead he is? Sure loads bosses are dickheads, but they keep their head down so anything they say does not effect the business.
