Nicknames given to mates when deviating from the norm.

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Prompted by a post by @Harry Angstrom, what names do you call your mates when they do anything different from the norm?

I realise some of these might age me.:lol:

Spending a bit more money than usual (buying an extra round etc) - Rockefeller
Couple of holidays planned - Cliff Michelmore or Judith Chalmers
Does a job vaguely involving computers - Bill Gates
Gives an intelligent reply to a question - Einstein
Runs for a bus - Linford Christie
Dances at a wedding - John Travolta
Gets a new haircut - Vidal Sassoon (Vidal Baboon)
Drives fast - Sterling Moss
Deeper voice than usual (usually due to hangover) - Barry White

New clothes or shoes could get any amount of insults depending on what they are.
Obviously these are standards that have stood the test of time but the off the cuff ones that work better.
Someone who has been to university - the prof

Got a mate who was known as fishbowl and still is . Back in about 2007 he was 17 and could only get one drink at the bar and had to buy a meal to get it bought an ice cream and a huge fishbowl for 8 people.
Bloke in my old fishing club was known as depth charge because he was always after a sub. Another Mantovani because he was always on the fiddle (work wise).

Wing nut, someone with sticky out ears.
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