More LGBT Offended Nonsense

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They are.

The bigger principle is freedom of speech. Freedom to offend and have difficult conversations that don’t result in job losses and being hung, drawn and quartered on social media.

It’s becoming compelled because pointing out biological reality is being declared as misgendering and hate speech. It may well be polite to address someone in their preferred pronoun, but it shouldn’t be a criminal offence if you don’t.
Good job it isn't a criminal offence, then.

Give it time.

Have you seen what the police classify as hate speech now? It’s basically boils down to wether or not the offended party thinks it’s hate speech.

I mean, that’s not subjective at all is it.

Is that true? Jesus Christ, they’re going to have some paperwork on their hands with today’s society.
Tin hat on but it’s all a load of bollocks. Happy for people to wear what they like, transition if they want and live their life however they want but this whole concept of being “born in the wrong body” is nonsense imo.

Peoples ideas of gender are based on societal norms and their own interpretation of what characteristics each gender should have. Gender is your biological sex end of story.

If a young lad wants to wear dresses and play with dolls it doesn’t mean he’s in the wrong body it means he likes things that society has “assigned” to a gender.

I think the whole transgender movement being lumped in with LGB is wrong to be honest.

I used to think exactly the same as you, to the word.
Is that true? Jesus Christ, they’re going to have some paperwork on their hands with today’s society.
A hate crime is defined as 'Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.'

A hate incident is any incident which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender.

Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but it is equally important that these are reported and recorded by the police.

Evidence of the hate element is not a requirement. You do not need to personally perceive the incident to be hate related. It would be enough if another person, a witness or even a police officer thought that the incident was hate related.

From the Met’s website.
I'm aware there's a debate but it's nice to see you've chosen a side and decided to call the postmodernist side "idiots".

What's wrong with posting an NYTimes article? It's the quotes from biologists that concern me and I'm not a biologist so obviously don't read academic journals on the topic; I get my scientific news from the news like the majority of the population. I'd assume you're also not a biologist so I don't see how you have any more expertise or grounds to post than me. We have reached different conclusions, clearly.

PS I'm not trying to "fool" anyone! I'm just saying what I, and seemingly a majority of biologists, believe.
Biology has nothing to do with any of this, that's the problem. The post-modernist deconstructionists reject biology altogether and the Marxists want to play identity politics to bring about "equity".

Post-modernism: "There are an infinite number of ways to interpret something, and no single viewpoint can be seen as canonical, therefore EVERYTHING is a social construct including gender" (including Biology)

Marxism: "The world is a power struggle of the oppressed vs. the tyranical oppressors. Classification (gender classification, in this case) is a power game created by the oppressors."

Together, along with some toxic feminism, they've destroyed social academia under some pseudo-leftist banner and now they're trying to destroy politics. It's absolute horseshit. Derrida and Foulcault were f***ing idiots, and Marxism is as bad as Nazism if not WORSE.

And yet here you are, regurgitating some ideological bullshit that you clearly don't understand because you think it's moral. It's not. Open your f***ing eyes.

There are men and there are women. Some women carry more masculine traits than usual and some men carry more feminine traits than usual. Some of it is nature, much of it is nurtured. That's it. Common courtesy dictates we can call any adult whichever name they choose, and they can dress however they like, fine. But common courtesy ends when we are made to accept that by proclaiming yourself to be the opposite of what you are, and undergoing surgery and hormone therapy, that makes you into a woman or a man. Common courtesy for those who are different than us = fine. Forcing 99.9% of society to change their understanding of biology = a dangerous political scam.
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