Winston Churchill's statue vandalised

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Sad times ahead for everyone, country & world has gone to pot, removing a statue doesn’t remove the history and either way you fall can’t deny churchhill was a Great War time leader and resembled the resilience of the British at their hardest times, absolute shame I’ll only kick off if they remove some episodes of only fools and horses for the odd racial slur 😅

This whole scenario is going to create more divide than unity unfortunately ! An opportunity for change will be lost as this becomes a bandwagon to jump on to rather than measured calm. Shame on an authorities and politicians for using it to show how they ‘care’ all of a sudden
Sad times when a memorial to boys/men who made the ultimate sacrifice for us all, requires covering up through the threat of vandalism from some weedy misguided shitstains.

Absolutely mate we have enough shit to deal with and don’t need this.
These fuckers should be made to stand individually and explain their actions to a packed audience.
Most would be in tears within a minute.
Absolutely disgraceful that two symbols of our national identity are boarded up.
They should have simply been guarded 24/7.
What kind of pygmies are running this country?
Absolutely disgraceful that two symbols of our national identity are boarded up.
They should have simply been guarded 24/7.
What kind of pygmies are running this country?
It’s been common practice for years, happened regularly under the Prime Ministers spell as London mayor, he’s just trying to score cheap political points.
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