Top tips for new born

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Babies should not sleep in their own room until they are a least a year old. Before anyone starts I know that you are going to say, but my - insert name of your choice - went into their own room at 2 days, eight weeks or four months, whatever. The guidelines are clear that babies can sometimes ‘forget’ to breathe and hearing others reminds them. I’m saying this as the aunt of a nine month baby who died from sudden death. Some babies die from being left alone in a room, don’t let it be yours.

I agree with the get the baby used to normal every day noise. I could hoover under my daughters crib and she never twitched a muscle.
think the guidlines are 6 months now, thats what we did. Saying that, we also use Angelcare systems which have a camera on them and sound an alarm should it not detect any breathing for 10 seconds or something.
think the guidlines are 6 months now, thats what we did. Saying that, we also use Angelcare systems which have a camera on them and sound an alarm should it not detect any breathing for 10 seconds or something.
We had that for the first. Though probably only used the sensor for a couple of weeks. Don't half shit yourself when missus lifts the bairn out and forgets to turn them off. Didn't use them at all next time and the second was a much better sleeper so didn't use the listener for very long either.

Mind while number two was a great sleeper from 3 weeks from 6 months she went to shit.
If anything is to be learned from this thread, it's that babies are hard work. Anyone who says otherwise should be on some sort of medication.
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