Things Your Mam used to say to You

"I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking"
"I didn't come down the Clyde in a banana boat"
"There's kids in this street would give their right arm for what you've got"
"I'm not having my son bought and sold like cattle"
"Diddle and I'll bloody dance for you"
Threatened with the "Naughty Boy's Home", one time she got me good, packed some clothes, a van came up the street at the right time. Never quite recovered.

Look back and feel sorry for her. She's at rest now though.

Shes still alive, I just moved out.
"Ran away with a black man" was the oft used intended riposte to a question of where someone was. Mainly other mams auto response to any kid asking the question "where's me mam?"

Standard response from most moms in the late 60s/70s.. Also, and bear in mind the times folks, the reply to "It's not fair" was often "A black mans arse never was" :eek:
