Tesco apologises over racism

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1. Any retailer will apologise to a customer irregardless of how spurious the complaint.
2. This is one person's complaint.
3. The story is created to create a perceived sense that the world is going pc mad. It isn't. It is one random nutter complaining meaning...
4. Its a complete non story designed to...
5. Illicit and manipulate people into frenzied outrage at how the world has gone mad.
6. It f***ing works hook, line and sinker every time.
7. Eventually it creates a backlash by which people begin to become hostile towards any sensible request for cultural sensitivity which
8. Further polarises the woke crowd against the 'world's gone mad' brigade.
9. The media win as people flock to debate and butt heads over the numerous other similar stories that the media will manipulate people into falling out over.

Sick to death of it.
While I don't agree with the hoo ha I do agree with the general principal that the t shirt and the book do inadvertantly denigrate African features and shouldn't .
My granddaughter had the book and I often used to play with it with her and never thought but really it puts unconscious bias in there very early .
While I don't agree with the hoo ha I do agree with the general principal that the t shirt and the book do inadvertantly denigrate African features and shouldn't .
My granddaughter had the book and I often used to play with it with her and never thought but really it puts unconscious bias in there very early .
It was originally a white mermaid but re illustrated to be more inclusive. Guess that backfired
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