T20 Blast Durham v Notts

Cricinfo has Bedingham Eckersley and Raine batting and it's been stuck on 7.2 overs at 79/3

Sadly based of what has been said the reality is worse.

Watching France Vs Germany
Game over

Ah never mind, not paying much attention and no commentary on link so thought it was Bedingham
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Everyone being a bit harsh IMO. We do have limited players in this format. have just won 2 games and haven't got the likes of Hales to rely on. We need to get a boundaries and are getting out trying to get them. It looks brainless but they aren't going to get there in singles.
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Everyone beig a bit harsh IMO. We do have limited players in this format. have just won 2 games and haven't got the likes of Hales to rely on. We need to get a boundaries and are gettig out trying to get them. It looks brainless but they arent going to get there in singles.
We are doing fine just said to wife these are champions for a reason. My only criticism so far tonight is Burnham, it was absolutely needless. At the moment I'm not sure what he brings to the T20 team, others like Bushnell doing a lot more and deserve a spot. Either way I'm not overly fussed as my feelings on t20 are "it's a night out"
