Recommend a film people may not have seen

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Something underrated or less well known, that you think is worth a watch.

My go:


The 1984 follow up to the undisputed Kubrick classic 2001. It suffers by comparison to the first film but I have a real soft spot for it. It was one of the first proper sci fi films I ever saw, and it has a real humanity and depth to it.

Not everyone agrees with the idea of explaining so much of what went on in the first film, or whether to have a sequel at all, but I think it stands on its own as a worthy film.

A great supporting cast including Helen Mirren and John Lithgow, and the late great Roy Scheider in the lead giving the film some real oomph.

Any film with Rob Schneider in.

Che part 1 and 2 if it hasnt been mentioned, about che guevarra starring Benicio del torro. Its subtitled but one helluva fillum


A sci-fi fillum about genetic selection and astronauts. Stars that bloke who was in that other film. And Uma Thurman.
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