
Surprised there weren't more pointless answers. What are the chances that of the 100 people they apparently ask, that one (or more) of them is a Sunderland/ Leeds fan who just so happens to know both teams? I reckon if you ask 100 genuinely random people less then five of them would even know who played in that final. Even if you asked 100 people at the match I bet they'd struggle to name the entire Leeds side and a fair few (especially younger ones) would struggle to name our team.
I'm 42 and I would struggle to name our full team like.

Never believed the '100 people' bollocks - what age? what location? and a dozen other factors that will massively sway the answers, they clearly make it up to ensure that there are 'oh that's surprising' answers and a suitable amount of very low scorers when in reality you probably get more of a cliff between 'quite a few' and 'no one'.
Is your first name Thomas?
I went Guthrie, Malone and Hoswill.How the fuck Halom got in there (my fav player) I have no idea

If this random sample is indicative of the United Kingdoms population, we just have to be everybody's favourite second team
Don't want to ruin the argument over how the numbers are made up and if they're not they must have had a 60 year old Sunderland fan in there but have you guy thought of the possibility of many surveys being done on countless questions and then they choose the survey with surprising results to start these exact conversations?
I would have went Horswill, Malone, Pitt.

how much did I win
Guaranteed that the two hosts of Pointless earn more per programme than any contestants ever win.

Just noticed I am replying to a three year old thread. Why do people drag these threads from the past?
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No, but I do know that Alan Mullery & Bobby Moore played in that Fulham team along with Les Barret and Jimmy Conway. I would have a guess that Viv Busby was playing too.
And I know that Mud were number one with Oh Boy and wore Fulham scarves on TOTP! 😎

Even though they’re from Carlshalton
