Kids lockdown

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I have two of them and I could strangle them regularly.

Cosmic kids yoga on YouTube is a hit in our house.
I started a similar thread only to be shamed by 3 or 4 who told me to get a grip. Thankfully there is some good advice on this thread. It is hard!
It’s f***ing hard. Don’t feel guilty about sticking the telly on and grabbing a cup of tea.
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My two year old is obsessed with a kids channel called 'vania mania'. The accents are incredible!
I have two of them and I could strangle them regularly.

Cosmic kids yoga on YouTube is a hit in our house.

It’s f***ing hard. Don’t feel guilty about sticking the telly on and grabbing a cup of tea.

God I hate that Cosmic Kids woman so bloody much. She's so irritating.

Thankfully mine are a little bit older and actually, the normally very very silly and demanding eldest has really risen to it - she's learnt how to work the coffee machine so it's like living with a coffee-obsessed Talkie Toaster from Red Dwarf wanting to make me coffee all day every day. She's discovered drawing tutorial videos on youtube and spends most of the afternoon drawing pictures on her ipad (we do some school stuff on the mornings but it's balancing me getting my stuff done as well). A year or so ago this would have broken me completely.

House looks like an explosion in a plastic tat factory mind you.
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