Feels like I've bounced off a lorry

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Is there a bug going round?
Got muscle pain in my legs, belly (knacks to cough) chest, shoulders. Rotten headache and my throat is half closed and sore as fuck.

Already had flu in January, totally different to this though. That was more a bad head cold, where I couldn't think straight and was just shattered all the time.

Is there a bug going round?
Got muscle pain in my legs, belly (knacks to cough) chest, shoulders. Rotten headache and my throat is half closed and sore as fuck.

Already had flu in January, totally different to this though. That was more a bad head cold, where I couldn't think straight and was just shattered all the time.
Sounds like it.
Is there a bug going round?
Got muscle pain in my legs, belly (knacks to cough) chest, shoulders. Rotten headache and my throat is half closed and sore as fuck.

Already had flu in January, totally different to this though. That was more a bad head cold, where I couldn't think straight and was just shattered all the time.
sounds like Dar-kosis, Dar-kosis is a virulent, horrible, wasting disease and is similar in many ways to leprosy. It is taught by the Initiates (who claim to be the voice of the Priest-Kings of Gor) that Dar-Kosis is a holy disease.
sounds like Dar-kosis, Dar-kosis is a virulent, horrible, wasting disease and is similar in many ways to leprosy. It is taught by the Initiates (who claim to be the voice of the Priest-Kings of Gor) that Dar-Kosis is a holy disease.
Sure is not just bad Aids?
Honey, slices of fresh ginger, fresh lemon. Boiling water. Drink this a few times a day for a few days and you will be right as rain!
Perfectly good word, aptly describing the area of pain. Does your smilie reflect an embarrassing lack of understanding of the English language, or do you just find the word amusing? :D

Is there a bug going round?
Got muscle pain in my legs, belly (knacks to cough) chest, shoulders. Rotten headache and my throat is half closed and sore as fuck.

Already had flu in January, totally different to this though. That was more a bad head cold, where I couldn't think straight and was just shattered all the time.
Belly AIDS by the sound of it (the bad kind) :eek::lol:
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Is there a bug going round?
Got muscle pain in my legs, belly (knacks to cough) chest, shoulders. Rotten headache and my throat is half closed and sore as fuck.

Already had flu in January, totally different to this though. That was more a bad head cold, where I couldn't think straight and was just shattered all the time.
On the piss last night
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