Do you love England?

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Slagging brexit and this government off is not unpatriotic and no indicator for a persons love for England.

its been a chosen method to have a them and us attitude by the government on brexit and everything else

power internationally you say. :lol:

The spice trade is a drop in the ocean compared to human trade.
We went round the world stripping countries of their resources for our own gain. I don’t think that makes us great to be honest.
I get both sides of the BLM and All lives matter bit but we don’t really give a toss about all lives either.
Someone sent me a thing the other day about the boat people version 2020. Do we value their lives as all lives matter ? No we don’t really as people of our great country think we should sink them boat.
I’m not proud of that or the lack of action that makes these people so desperate to risk their lives fleeing god knows what to then cross the busiest shipping lane in the world on not much more than a toy.
The whole of mass civilistations are built upon tyranny man. Being better than others. Life is cruel. The USA is there because of us. Do they have an identity crisis? Look at the state of mass famine in China, no identity crisis there. I could go on all day. You can’t concern yourself with this stuff if you know you treat everyone with respect. People who are full of remorse seem guilty to me.
It appears that every other country was founded by peace loving altruists who care for everyone and have never done anything wrong.
You haven’t achieved your aim Then. That’s your problem not the country.
I’m not dissing this country, but the weather is nicer (this last week apart) in France and the type of property I’d like is cheaper. But yes, if i could somehow earn it win more money then the dream would be come an option in this country too.
The moaners who see other countries as having some sort of idyllic existence with perfect citizens are totally oblivious to the fact that them countries will face similar types of issues as we do here e.g. politics, unemployment, racism, dickheads etc.

We've got it pretty lucky tbh.
USA & Canada? Would get pretty full.
Plus: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, India, Malasia,
Australia, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe,
Kenya, Tanzania, Jamaica, Egypt, Sudan, Ghana,
Uganda, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, Afganistan, Belize,
Botswana, Guyana, Fiji, Iraq, Palestine, Israel,
Jordan, Kuwait, Malawi, New Zealand, Oman,
Somaliland, Trinidad, Yemen, Zambia.

Just the odd billion.... :lol:
The moaners who see other countries as having some sort of idyllic existence with perfect citizens are totally oblivious to the fact that them countries will face similar types of issues as we do here e.g. politics, unemployment, racism, dickheads etc.

We've got it pretty lucky tbh.
So the others have the same problems but we’ve got it lucky to have those problems?
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