Craft Beer

Will someone on here recommend sexual intercourse so Frijj can take that up and perhaps grow down a bit.
Essentially a white stout. Smooth and a bit of sweetness as it's got vanilla in.

As you said exactly it's...

"a smooth pale ale with cold pressed coffee and vanilla. Using cold press techniques ensures a full coffee experience without the bitterness of an espresso"

One for @Clean Bristow I reckon.
Have you tried Vimto untimely death IPA from the JustJizz brewery in fucklbuck?
How often do they change beers in blues micropub

Not sure mate. Depends when the current gets flattened I guess. They didn't have much of the espresso porter so they didn't expect that to last long. Usually change at least a couple pretty much weekly I'd say. Saying that, they are always getting new tins in, which you can have in there, so even if the taos aren't changed or to your fancy there's plenty of choice. Best bet is to keep an eye on their Instagram page.
Not sure mate. Depends when the current gets flattened I guess. They didn't have much of the espresso porter so they didn't expect that to last long. Usually change at least a couple pretty much weekly I'd say. Saying that, they are always getting new tins in, which you can have in there, so even if the taos aren't changed or to your fancy there's plenty of choice. Best bet is to keep an eye on their Instagram page.
I just looked at the Facebook page I'm not on Instagram but il check them out haven't got much on coming up at all so may have a visit, was just going to as about the take away cans if you can drink them when you are actually in the place
