Best driving route to Edinburgh?


travelling from Newcastle city centre. A1 would be the most logical but there’s always something slowing it up, be it roadworks or agricultural vehicles
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I used to travel there a lot. I used to vary the routes I took just for a change of scenery. Coldstream was the route with the fewest speed cameras and a canny chippy to break up the journey. A1, Jedburgh and Coldstream all seemed to take around 3 hours from Newcastle.
A1 is longer, but has a good number of dual carriageway sections.

A697 from A1 at Morpeth to A68 at Carfraemill is a nice drive if you are a keen driver or like scenery, but is littered with speed cameras north of the border. There are cameras south of the border but these are in Longfram and the other village beginnign with an L. There's sometime a mobile set up at Powburn.

A1 is the easier drive.
I usually use the A1 these days - I wish they would get their fingers out and dual more of the road between Dunbar, Berwick and Morpeth.
