Being Left Handed

I'm left handed/footed and it was a pain in the arse all the way through school.

I do certain things right handed though (play guitar, use a computer mouse/keyboard, swing a golf club etc)

I'm an engineer (systems/software) but mates have always commented on my ability to put things together in my head or spot flaws in the way things are made/constructed (flat pack furniture and the like). Dinnar if it's related but they do reckon lefties brains work differently to right-handed people's. I reckon there's something in it

They reckon the right hemisphere of your brain is the more creative part, and if you're left-handed, the motor cortex of your right hemisphere is more developed. I'm shite at traditional art like drawing and that but I do wonder if it's that that allows me to come up with "creative" or "out of the box" solutions to issues at work.
Right handed but eat with me fork in me right hand and knife in left. Neither me mam or dad eat this way so god knows why I do, me brother and sister eat the same way as me as well despite also being right handers. Watch always on left wrist, the right is just wrong.
I have different strong hands and feet for different things.

I play pool left handed, my strongest arm is my left and catch better with my left.

I throw, write and do most other things right handed, although I can write reasonably well with my left hand, albeit slow.

Both feet for playing football, but probably slightly better than shite with my right and slightly worse than shite with my left.

I'd probably say I'm slightly more right handed than left but not much difference.
Birthday cards and other cards are the worst for me. They're great to write on but I'm sometimes left with smudges on the card or ink up the outside of my little finger
Birthday cards and other cards are the worst for me. They're great to write on but I'm sometimes left with smudges on the card or ink up the outside of my little finger

I do that while writing right-handed somehow to be fair.

Wrote a card out this morning, same thing happened as what you’ve described there.

I do hold a pen a bit oddly to most people though, same with a dart (my fourth finger has to feel the point before I throw it)
Afternoon all,

couple of comments the last couple of weeks from work mates and friends about me being left handed and my character.
Is it really a thing or is it a stereotype?

Lad today pointed out the few people he could think of (inc me) and used them as an example of how their brains are wired up differently, in a flawed genius type of way.

Has anyother left handed people had this type of conversation? does any of the right handed folk notice a pattern with left handed people ? What does the science say ?
3 of my 4 kids are left handed. Weirdly, the left handed ones are the most creative ones
