Accent analysis

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It got Sunderland for me, then I did it for our lass and the questions were quite different. It had her as Middlesbrough (she’s from British West Hartlepool) and she wasn’t happy with it!!
Got me as West London.

I live in North West London now. Born and spent 4 years in Glasgow. 4-18 in Sunderland. 18-24 in Manchester. 24-46 (current) in London. Newcastle Mam and Bournmouth Dad. My accent is f'd up.

It had no chance really.
Sunderland, although I said splinter. Never actually lived in the city (brought up in Shields) but both parents born and brought up there.
It says I sound like I'm from Sunderland.

I've never met one person who is from Sunderland (or knows people from Sunderland) who thinks I'm from Sunderland ( and I've lived here for 28 years )

It must be done via fairly blunt Northern or Southern differences with some honing down via questions like the spelk one.

I use a lot of Sunderland words like spelk but my family in Lancashire would say splinter.
My missus just did it. Answered splinter and different for strut and foot. She’s got a mild Midlands accent but it said she was like Don Arey from Deep Purple (Sunderland).

I’ll send my Daughter the link later. She had a Wusta accent as a kid, went to Uni in Cardiff, worked in London where she spoke posh and is now in Perth (Oz version).
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