Storyville. The hijacker who vanished.

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I know he asked for four chutes. Asking may have had multiple reasons: hostage and/or accomplice if accomplice had been forced to reveal them selves.
His clip on tie was left. It had chemical traces that are very rarely found together outside of an aircraft manufacturing situation. Boeing were based in Seattle. Maybe that was a false lead? If it was his own tie surely he would’ve just chucked it out of the plane along with the briefcase? I think his plan went a bit awry late on. Fags, brief case, glass should’ve been slung out regardless of him jumping or hiding.

What difference would slinging them out have made? Perhaps his tie came off and he didn't realise?
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There was another case a few years ago, skydiver found dead early morning on someone's driveway tangled in his reserve-chute with thousands of dollars, a few pistols, and 77 Lbs of pure coke strapped to his body, also a night jump.
I wish I would have found him. Put it this way he would have only been found with the chute nowt else.
How comes they reckon you'd get sucked into the engines if you jumped, when stating why they don't have parachutes on commercial planes for passengers?
If he'd slung the glass and tie are you saying he wouldn't be known of?
I don’t know what you mean by known of? If he’d slung everything with fingerprints on like fags, briefcase, glass etc there’d be less chance of them figuring out who he was assuming they all landed in the woods.
He knew how the back door worked. Had an airlplane manufacturing related tie. They assume he’d parachute experience. Possibly military gained. Military would have his fingerprints. It’s all about reducing detection %s.

The fags n glass going missing is a shocking indictment of the fbi and police. Makes me doubt their insistence of the thoroughness of the post landing plane search.

The money nivver surfacing is the main indicator that he didn’t make it.
I don’t know what you mean by known of? If he’d slung everything with fingerprints on like fags, briefcase, glass etc there’d be less chance of them figuring out who he was assuming they all landed in the woods.
He knew how the back door worked. Had an airlplane manufacturing related tie. They assume he’d parachute experience. Possibly military gained. Military would have his fingerprints. It’s all about reducing detection %s.

The fags n glass going missing is a shocking indictment of the fbi and police. Makes me doubt their insistence of the thoroughness of the post landing plane search.

The money nivver surfacing is the main indicator that he didn’t make it.

Maybe he knew no one had his finger prints so couldn't be matched? (you said possibly). Maybe in the heat of the moment he forgot about a glass? Maybe he was confident of going into hiding so wasn't arsed? Not sure what you're getting at?

He made it :cool:
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He could have positioned himself during the 2nd take off, who knows - anything is possible I guess.
Naaah. He was sitting with the stewardess second take off. After ten mins or so he sent her upfront to the cabin.
Maybe he knew no one had his finger prints so couldn't be matched? (you said possibly). Maybe in the heat of the moment he forgot about a glass? Maybe he was confident of going into hiding so wasn't arsed? Not sure what you're getting at?
Possibly no one had his prints then. He’s got no guarantee he wadnt be fingerprinted in the future though. I think he did get a a bit panicy. I said his plan went a bit awry upthread Ie Leaving stuff behind.

The smb will solve it eventually. I’m hoping it’s the nieces uncle and she wants to show her gratitude for all the money she’ll make with her story.
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