"IF we default on repayment, The fans will get what they want anyway"

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ah so
“So the only exposure, in reality, is for Juan, Charlie and I, because if we don’t make good on the repayment, all that basically happens is – what quite a lot of Sunderland fans want, I think – is that the guys who have lent us the money will have control of Madrox. We’d lose the money that we have invested, that would go into the ether, and the American investors would get the lot."

he paraphrased him

fair enough

“So the only exposure, in reality, is for Juan, Charlie and I, because if we don’t make good on the repayment, all that basically happens is – what quite a lot of Sunderland fans want, I think – is that the guys who have lent us the money will have control of Madrox. We’d lose the money that we have invested, that would go into the ether, and the American investors would get the lot."

Thanks for hoying that up, marra. Very helpful.

To put the quote in context, Donald goes on to say that there's no way they'll default on the loan/investment. I ask myself: Why would they? Unless the club became virtually worthless, it would be an act of lunacy to lose it to the Americans in such a way, wouldn't it? Or am I missing something?
It's a standard loan. If you took out a loan and used you house and car as collateral the bank would take control of your house and car if you can't pay it back. It doesn't mean they want to invest in your property or anything.

Donald sold us this line to try and soften the blow.
I very much doubt the Americans would have lent ore than the value of the cub

well the club was valued at £15m when they bought it.

Since then the team has regressed, our best players have moved on, the parachute payments have stopped, income and revenue have dropped by a significant %, the academy has no decent kids left.
Its fair to say Stew has embarrassed himself on a national stage and wishes he'd never embarked on his voyage of epic fuckwittery but I do wish he'd stop talking utter bollocks.

The club isn't worth £40m. With its incumbent debt and costs once the parachute statements dry up we're talking a hell of a lot less.

His credit rating would take a walloping if he defaulted to the Americans so if it did happen he'd be better off hammering out a separate deal.
The Americas probably think we're more bother than were worth.
Why can't the yanks just give an encouraging quote about their intentions? This SD and CM crap about 'ask them' and them refusing to comment makes me nervous, very nervous.
All turned a bit shit really. Shame as it all seemed fantastic at the time. I still hang onto them taking over, mainly as it sounded bloody good!
So the assumption in the OP is that they believe they are not wanted here. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but SD said he would leave if he thought SAFC fans didn't want him, over to you again Stewy lad.
You're on the nose quite a lot...

But why should they be? They have no affinity to Sunderland like we do. If any fans don’t like what they are seeing with the current club owners I’m sure Mr Donald would be happy to take their call to discuss buying him out. We’re not owed success or greatness. Take off the rose tinted specs and we have a really really rubbish squad, a decent stadium and academy facilities and a relatively large fan base. We’ll never be world beaters. We have no star player assets. We’re not glamorous. The club is in the North East so it struggles to attract top players or investors. The stint in this league, and it might be a fair while yet before we leave it, may act as a wake-up call to some fans. In most of our lifetimes we’re no different to Ipswich, Shef Wed and Leeds. They’ve all been up and down the leagues too.
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Its fair to say Stew has embarrassed himself on a national stage and wishes he'd never embarked on his voyage of epic fuckwittery but I do wish he'd stop talking utter bollocks.

The club isn't worth £40m. With its incumbent debt and costs once the parachute statements dry up we're talking a hell of a lot less.

His credit rating would take a walloping if he defaulted to the Americans so if it did happen he'd be better off hammering out a separate deal.

No it isn't fair to say that, it's complete speculation on your part :lol:
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