Young drug dealers offered free driving lessons

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I'm all for new ideas for ex offenders. Try something new as a trial in an area of the country. Judge the results and either scrap it or use it over the rest of the country.
What we are doing now doesn't seem too effective.
Rewarding criminal behaviour is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of and anyone going along with it is just as dumb, I've worked on schemes like this before and even though it is destined to fail it WILL be hailed as a success mark my words.

It’s much easier to catch a drug dealer driving without a license/tax etc than it is with, what a ridiculous idea.
Yet they are destined to fail now? 🤔
Lets just say, the project I did that got me national recognition involved deceit an manipulation of peoples minds as under no circumstances was it allowed to fail, that's the way these things work.
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