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Zubrowka lots of different ones(just tried the apple and cherry ones very nice) my personal preference is zubrowka Kora debu(oak bark) and their black premium... also starka, pan tadeusz and moniuszko
All polish
I'm a vodka man, and know most people will think it's a drink purely to get pissed on. But I'm curious for vodka drinkers out there, what's your preferred? Any you'd recommend, and any you'd like to try?

My preference is for Ciroc, I've just tried SKYY vodka which was surprisingly nice.

I want to try crystal head vodka but haven't got round to it, its next though.
Get yourself to Secret Arcade in Edinburgh. Best vodka bar around.
Drink it straight like? My head would melt off if I tried that

You've not been drinking the right vodka. Most people have never tried a proper vodka, you can drink it neat and enjoy it.

It's like whiskey, if you try and drink Glens or Bells neat it'll be disgusting, but if you have something proper, you can drink it neat.
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