How much would you sell your dog for?

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2 dogs here and would sell the pair for 20k. People saying they're like kids and that must live on another planet to me. Yes I love my dogs but not even close to the same level as my kids. Sell them for 20k buy another one for a few hundred and in a few weeks life's just back to normal albeit with another dog.

Another dog isn't the same though. They've all got their quirks. Bob has conversations with me. Jack has his wee wee dance. Just little daft things that make them unique and priceless.

Not very much. She's an English Springer and comming up to 14 years old. Her spring sprung a couple of years ago and she struggles with arthritis and is a bit deaf and sleeps most of the time. She plods about on short walk sniffing everything taking ages. We manage to get her out on walks and our lass has an old buggy that we put the dog in when things get too much . The dog loves it.
Lately she has been swimming (the dog no the wife) and this has really perkerd her up. She did six circuits of the dog hydro therapy pool the other day and its done wonders for her because she was never out of the sea and rivers when she was younger and she clearly thought she would never manage it again.
I don't think we have much more time with her but while the vet is still happy that she has a good quality of life we shall stick with her.
So how much would you sell the fucker for then?
Genuinely, there’s no amount of money would make me give mine up.

Here’s a true story...

We were in breach of our Gentoo tenancy by having four dogs. Arsehole over the road who hates us (I’ve told the story on here before) tried to get us in trouble with Gentoo, but the Gentoo lass knows the story and was happy that they weren’t causing any nuisance and there’d be no action taken.

However, faced with the worry of said arsehole over the road making more trouble, getting his mates to put in complaints, etc. we felt a time may come where we’d be evicted, as there was no way we’d part with the dogs given an ultimatum.

So, despite being poor, we used some creative thinking, raised the funds and bought the f***ing house outright with cash. :lol:
I won’t go into details, but it was all above board.

Yes, I’d do anything for my babies. If you’re a true dog/animal lover, you’ll understand. If you don’t, you can get fucked.
So, despite being poor, we used some creative thinking, raised the funds and bought the f***ing house outright with cash. :lol:
I won’t go into details, but it was all above board.

Yes, I’d do anything for my babies. If you’re a true dog/animal lover, you’ll understand. If you don’t, you can get fucked.

Bank Robbery?....Drugs?....Prostitution?
Another dog isn't the same though. They've all got their quirks. Bob has conversations with me. Jack has his wee wee dance. Just little daft things that make them unique and priceless.

I said that about my old collie but since then I've got a Cocker and a sprocker and they have new quirks.

Not stopping you getting a new dog afterwards
Would never sell her, not for all the money in the world.

Don't have a dog but i would have to be desperate for money, or i wouldn't even consider it. Cannot imagine giving away a pet you love. You would feel guilt ridden about it. Some people might be reluctant pet owners and not be too keen on the animal, maybe because its your partners pet. A definite no.
I get that and do understand to a point but as I said a dog is not just some commodity, to me hes a member of my family and if I ever had to give him to someone else id always be wondering

are they feeding him like I did, is he happy, are they walking him and treating him well, where is he sleeping etc etc and that would knock me sick the thought of him not having the same life he did with me

Im just a big dog lover and having worked voluntarily back in the UK with rescue and welfare societies I see how dogs are just easily cast aside by owners for the most stupid and trivial reasons...its truly heartbreaking man to see it

‘Rehoming due to new sofa...’
Bless you Mate and at the right time another one should come into your life and you will be ready for it.
I know the pain I really do.

No money could buy my kids and no money could buy my Lab.
Sitting here right now watching me.
I’m not hankering over another bit miss Kira like mad.

Especially when my 2 year old daughter just blurts out, where’s Kira or I love Kira, or is that Kira in the sky.
‘Rehoming due to new sofa...’

Yep or don't like hair/drool/snoring/smell/grown too big from a puppy/chewed shoes etc etc

The poor dogs just end up cast out because some absolute shitstain of a human being has decided they cant be bothered anymore. Working with the welfare society made me despise humans even more seeing some of the states of the poor dogs I got to work with. The plus side was seeing how happy they were after being rehomed and rehabilitated though
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