Who has the worst job on a hot day like today.

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When I was a young YTS painter and decorator, one particularly hot summer day I got the job to varnish a load of wood shelving inside a large school greenhouse. I could only last about ten minutes before having to come out and take five minutes cool down then head back inside. I was having difficulty seeing because the sweat was streaming down my face.

About an hour later, the bloke who had given me the task, came looking to see what was taking so long.

Spotted me taking a breather outside, called me a lazy little shit for skiving, took the brush and varnish off me and went inside the greenhouse. Five minutes later he was back out gasping for air and swearing like a trooper.... :lol:

I tried very hard not to look smug
My ex used to work in her dad’s chip shop when she was a teenager. I used to get sent to the shop to collect a Saturday evening fish supper for our family.

When we got together about 10 years later she told me that in hot weather she’d just wear her knickers under those white coats that chippy workers have on.

Next time you’re in a chip shop you may not be able to look at big hairy Stavros the same way again.
I fancy a chippy tea. The lass in ours is canny.
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