What is your favourite ever PC game?

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Counter Strike has always been my main game. CS GO is probably the best version so far but the community that plays it is utter scum. Ruined by Russians.

I find my self playing more & more arma 3 these days. Ruskie savages cant afford it. Theres so many different things you can do in it and game types so plenty of variety.

Champ Man/Football Man Series.

No matter how much I hate it now, I really enjoyed WoW for a couple of years.

Dota 2 at the moment.
Probably on time played it'd be various Football Managers. Or World Of Warcraft back in the Lich King days when I had an unhealthy obsession with it.

Thankfully not touched WoW in years.
Some tremendous shouts in here so far cheers lads and lasses.

I forgot to mention Empire Total War and Transport Tycoon Deluxe - I have probably sunk more hours into these bad boys than anything else.

Currently playing Spec Ops: The Line which is really good and not been mentioned on here so far. Anyone played it? Story is excellent so far as is the gameplay.
probably champ man series.

Best indie games for me are the introversion games. uplink, darwinia and prison architecht.
:lol: great idea but the "playability" looks awful.

It looks like one of the early Mortal Kombats. I haven't played it yet myself but it gets decent reviews. You can't complain for free tbf. Always worth donating a few dollars for their efforts though.

Great respect from me for what they have achieved. Some iconic scenes to be had.

They are in the process of making a sequel as well supported by crowd-funding. So they will no doubt be able to progress the game itself.
I only had it on PS2 but I think you can get it on an emulator for PC , "Terminator Dawn Of Fate" was a great game which was faithful to the first Terminator movie.
First Everquest was the better like. Groundbreaking stuff and for me the daddy of all online MMO's. Played the 2nd for a good while but it just wasn't the same and not as good.

Still remember coming in pissed at about 3 in the morning and being dragged on a raid as lead shaman into the plane of hate. Fuck me that was fun, I was fucked :lol:

We also had 2 hour limits on our broadband back then with random kickoffs constantly. Made online gaming dangerous as fuck as with games like Everquest if you lost your connection most of the time you would die or keep running (whilst disconnected) into certain death. And when you died, you lost everything unless you can recover your corpse. Fuck me, them where the days! Spending ages getting buffed up and summoning my pet and then losing connection 5 minutes in and dying and spending ages just on the corpse retrieval.

Had nothing on Ultima Online.
My PC gaming career was 96-02 so all my favorites are old. In no particular order.t he ones that stand out are
Command and Conquer Red alert
Duke Nukem 3D
Leisure Suit Larry
Realms Of the Haunting
Age of Empires
Soldier of fortune
Medal of honour allied assault
Serious Sam
Sega Rally
The original GTA

Don't think we ever beat that last boss who just ran around in circles really fast teleporting

That was my PC era too. Some class games on there.
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