Updated banned list

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People who wear photographers vests. \
People who don't have at least 5 films in their fridge that are at least 12 months out of date. Anybody who has never got a film back from the developers to find it either blank or full of utter crap (or for Leica IIIf owners anyone who has ever managed to get a film with more than 3 decent exposures on it).
Wanky frames and titles
Amateurs who watermark poor pictures no-one would ever want to steal
Selective colour
Venture-style high key processing

People who wear photographers vests. \
People who don't have at least 5 films in their fridge that are at least 12 months out of date. Anybody who has never got a film back from the developers to find it either blank or full of utter crap (or for Leica IIIf owners anyone who has ever managed to get a film with more than 3 decent exposures on it).

My early experiments in astrophotography. Had a great collection of quality control stickers.
Wanky frames and titles
Amateurs who watermark poor pictures no-one would ever want to steal
Selective colour
Venture-style high key processing

My early experiments in astrophotography. Had a great collection of quality control stickers.

I take films in now - when I go to pick up I get the look of pity on the poor staffs faces are heartbreaking as they hand me the money back as there was nothing to scan or print. I am sure they think I am some sort of retarded bloke who takes photos as therapy.
Wanky frames and titles
Amateurs who watermark poor pictures no-one would ever want to steal
Selective colour
Venture-style high key processing

My early experiments in astrophotography. Had a great collection of quality control stickers.

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