Things that irritate you more than they should

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Our lass

leaves the bog roll next to the sink. Every f***ing time

when I did have a wall thingy she purposely put the bog roll on with the loose flappy bit next to the wall, like they do in f***ing Scotland ffs

fills the (very small) bathroom bin with non bathroom things like empty water bottles and I'm always the f***ing bin man

puts too much water in the kettle

leaves pans dirty to dry out making it a right bugger on to clean them

when she does actually wash up, leaves bubbles on the pots when they're left to dry - f***ing rinse woman

doesn't shut doors

doesn't put bread back in the freezer

won't put her shoes where all the shoes go, oh no hers stay next to the front door

watches soap operas and reality tv

puts milk in with the f***ing teabag in the cup (this one is the worst)

is the only person I know who when making a meal gives herself the most - I mean what the fuck is that?

She is however really good at other stuff, has been fantastic while I'm dealing with this cancer lark (and obviously doesn't live here :lol:)
... when people manually turn the sound on the TV down to zero instead of just pressing the f***ing mute button
But you get that 'speaker and a cross' symbol......which drives me nuts.

Having to take more than one trip taking the shopping from the car to the house. It involves seemingly impossible feats of strength and balance. anything to avoid doing two trips.
Then two spenks on the Beagle Street life insurance ad.

“Now we’ve moved into our new house, can you take a few minutes to sort out your life insurance so I know that if anything happens to you our mortgage will be covered”

Stupid dick goes off and does it too despite being surrounded by unpacked boxes. Mark my words he won’t make the sequel.
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