Things stolen from Nissan Juke

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Couple of years ago i came out got in my Qashqai and me i pod and all the cables were gone..I locked it the night before.

Just wondering if anyone can help me work out what's happened. This morning I got up (Barnes area) and my car's doors were slightly open, unlocked, and someone had taken a few things (jumper off the back seat, a coat out the boot, my iphone charging cable) but strangely left the few quid I had on the dashboard. I'm pretty confident I locked my car last night, and I'm also pretty sure they lock automatically anyway after being left alone for a while (can anyone confirm this?). I'm just wondering how they might have gained entry to the car? Next door has CCTV so I'm waiting for them to come home to see if there's anything on there, but not sure if there will be. I was thinking maybe the key fob was too close to the car as it was in the door and the car was parked immediately outside the door, but I recreated the scenario and it appears to be too far away.

It's not the stuff they took that's bothering me, it's more the fact that some absolute cretin has been in my car overnight and I have no idea how?
Could be someone who has access to how the car key wireless system works at the factory
Just saying
Our top theory is now that I somehow didn't close one of the doors properly, which meant they failed to lock without me knowing, which meant someone has walked past and noticed a door slightly ajar and just helped themselves. Proper gutted about the coat as well :neutral: Lesson learned, but how unlucky (and odd with the kinder bar). Twat's trick as well right on Christmas.
It wasn’t a Barbour coat with all the press studs working was it? I’d question @mini-x2 if I was you.
On the plus side, at least you're not sure you were actually broken into.

They use much less sophisticated measures here. The last time someone broke into my car, it was immediately obvious as the window was in bits on the passenger seat.

I'm still finding bits of glass even now and this was seven months ago.
When I was home we had a rented Nissan SUV, parked on Richard Avenue near the Barnes and the same thing happened.

Thankfully we hadn’t left anything in the car so the would-be thieves just took the wheel locks out of the glove box and left them on the seat. Bloody useless keyless entry bollocks. What’s the matter with a bloody key? (As long as it’s not @riffraff ’s key that opens all cars!
Just wondering if anyone can help me work out what's happened. This morning I got up (Barnes area) and my car's doors were slightly open, unlocked, and someone had taken a few things (jumper off the back seat, a coat out the boot, my iphone charging cable) but strangely left the few quid I had on the dashboard. I'm pretty confident I locked my car last night, and I'm also pretty sure they lock automatically anyway after being left alone for a while (can anyone confirm this?). I'm just wondering how they might have gained entry to the car? Next door has CCTV so I'm waiting for them to come home to see if there's anything on there, but not sure if there will be. I was thinking maybe the key fob was too close to the car as it was in the door and the car was parked immediately outside the door, but I recreated the scenario and it appears to be too far away.

It's not the stuff they took that's bothering me, it's more the fact that some absolute cretin has been in my car overnight and I have no idea how?

Leaving money on the dashboard of an unattended car....
I wouldn' have thought thieves would use sophisticated technology to nick bits and pieces from inside. Don't they usually take the whole car, preferably a Merc or some other high end car.
Anyway if you want to stop your keycard being got at keep it in the microwave when you'e not using it, it stops the frequency being snatched.
This keyless stuff is bollocks.
The first I'd heard of it was when my marras Mrs got a megane from work. On pool team night hed always drop himself off at the pub then she'd drive to sainsburys and get the shopping in. The first time with this keyless shite he went in to play pool and she went shopping.mwhen she came out with a basketful she couldn't start the car because he had the key in his pocket. Proper sitcom stuff.
This keyless stuff is bollocks.
The first I'd heard of it was when my marras Mrs got a megane from work. On pool team night hed always drop himself off at the pub then she'd drive to sainsburys and get the shopping in. The first time with this keyless shite he went in to play pool and she went shopping.mwhen she came out with a basketful she couldn't start the car because he had the key in his pocket. Proper sitcom stuff.
The car would have been beeping all the way to Sainsbury’s to say ‘keycard not detected’
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