Things Not to Do in the Kitchen #31162

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I once left a christening cake I was taking to my godson's christening on the kitchen table. Next time I went into the kitchen my large ginger cat was sitting on it. He'd made a couple of indentations with his paws and arse. Fortunately the iced bib and booties were movable, so no one was any the wiser. And fortunately for me, I don't like fruit cake. :) I did confess all to my friend who thought it was hysterical.

Well, that's two parts of a cat's anatomy I've not heard of previously.

Absently mindedly wiping up what you think is a bit of ragu from your lasagne with your finger from the work surface and licking it, only to find that it's a bit of the Lick-e-Lix you've used to get your cat to take her medication. A yoghurty mix of liver sausage and cat grass does not taste nice!
Happens to me in the living room with stray crisp crumbs, they turn out out to be a different flavour with no crunch.
Watch the iPad while cutting onions with new knives.

They can slice through skin like butter you know....
Or try and catch said sharp new knife as it falls from the countertop, when you're instincts say, "Oh, no, my new knife!" instead of "Sharp knife, let it go".
Put a knife through my hand trying to get a piece of toffee off a plate as a young'un.

Once I thought "you can make scrambled eggs in a microwave, why can't you boil one?" and gave it a go.

That reminds me of a time during my teenage years that I decided I was going to make boiled eggs. I put them in a pot of water, turned the heat and left them there. I was watching tv and forgot all about them when all of a sudden I hear a loud POP. Mom was not happy about the mess:lol:
Separating pork chops frozen together with a sharp knife will not end well
Canny scar on a finger from separating pre-cut, but frozen, tea cakes. Bread snapped, knife caught my finger and went right into the chopping board.

Bled for days.

Still went to work (different bar to the one above!) and did my shift. Had no sensation in that finger for about 2 years after that one :lol:
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