The craic in the USA

“Is that the toxins leaving? “ errrm no that’s your body telling you you’ve poisoned yourself you moron and most likely destroyed your gut in the process!
top class morons
Eyes on the ground, there is a reason why squaddies always take pills, speed or coke over weed. Yet again this is dot joining.
That's actually true, weed can remain in your blood stream for weeks, coke and speed are out of you system in 48 hours.
Clearly both scenarios are dependent on use.
I confirmed on google before posting
That's actually true, weed can remain in your blood stream for weeks, coke and speed are out of you system in 48 hours.
Clearly both scenarios are dependent on use.
I confirmed on google before posting
There was certainly a reason, living in a squaddie town, why they always asked me to point them in the direction of dealers other than weed 😊
I have family live down near Newmarket, there's more pharmaceuticals there, than at a Pfizer plant
On a topical point,, I. E. Covid, this is interesting, because it only takes a few months for these drugs to meddle with the immune system. I wonder how many long term drug folk have been affected by this virus.
