Sterling unavailable

Mind if this is true these ***** should be jailed for life for treason. The boys in f***ing qatar playing a world cup for his country and that shit happens? Jail for life, and only because we aren't allowed to hang the fuckers

Stick the bastards on a ship sailing out into the North Sea and hoof the fuckers overboard before it reaches it's destination.

let's be honest, no one will notice that they've gone missing. Waste of oxygen.
His family were all shook up

Well bless my soul
He has 3 children under 5 who were at home at the time armed robbers attacked them.

What is wrong with you?
If this is the extent of it and none of his family have been physically harmed then his agent / pr people / security should be doing a f***ing much better job than they are doing of protecting their asset.
You ever had to fend off armed robbers while protecting your 3 children under 5?

