Shadow Of Mordor

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Starts of amazing, loved it. But then you quickly realise there isn't much else to it. The missions are canny but there just isn't many of them and I found kicking fk out of the orcs to not really do that much (bar the bit where you have to dominate them late in the game).

Still enjoyed it, but could and should have been so much better. Hopefully the next one will be played out on a huge map of Middle Earth and with loads of missions you can do like a GTA/Red Dead Redemption kinda thing.

Starts of amazing, loved it. But then you quickly realise there isn't much else to it. The missions are canny but there just isn't many of them and I found kicking fk out of the orcs to not really do that much (bar the bit where you have to dominate them late in the game).

Still enjoyed it, but could and should have been so much better. Hopefully the next one will be played out on a huge map of Middle Earth and with loads of missions you can do like a GTA/Red Dead Redemption kinda thing.
I played through about an hour and a half of it for the first time last night. Its just assassins creed (jumping and hiding) meets batman (fighting). I loved the beginning bit with the father/son wife intro but I can see the game play getting a bit repetitive and boring unless the main story hooks me in.

The landscape seems a bit dull to me and the graphics seem a bit meh....I am playing on ultra with the highest resolution too. Things might change as time goes on I suppose :)

It gets a solid 7/10 from me so far but it didn't wow me like I hoped it would.
Starts of amazing, loved it. But then you quickly realise there isn't much else to it. The missions are canny but there just isn't many of them and I found kicking fk out of the orcs to not really do that much (bar the bit where you have to dominate them late in the game).

Still enjoyed it, but could and should have been so much better. Hopefully the next one will be played out on a huge map of Middle Earth and with loads of missions you can do like a GTA/Red Dead Redemption kinda thing.
This for me, had high hopes but it becomes incredibly repetitive in regards to orcs, would have been far better if they had other factions wandering around from the beginning too (humans - not salves, elves, dwarves). I did enjoy Gollum and Ratbag in it though :lol:
Can still get generous trade in value on these, I'll trade it in for Evil Within tomorrow I reckon
This for me, had high hopes but it becomes incredibly repetitive in regards to orcs, would have been far better if they had other factions wandering around from the beginning too (humans - not salves, elves, dwarves). I did enjoy Gollum and Ratbag in it though :lol:
Can still get generous trade in value on these, I'll trade it in for Evil Within tomorrow I reckon

Cex gives £29 cash for it which is pretty decent
Should be getting this delivered today, 34 quid on Amazon (looks like has gone back up to 38 today) will trade it in if don't like it or complete it quick and should not lose much money on it.
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Just got this at the weekend, never really played games like this before so I'm not exactly doing brilliantly. Anyone else still playing it?
Had a bad foot the last few days so was sofabound, clocked this an hour ago 100% it's canny, in all honesty i've been really baked so nonsensical repetitive killing has been pretty therapeutic.

All in all 7/10 bit repetitive, not much in storyline, the main quests would take you a day... But the system is very good, combat is fun and engaging it's decent.
Just Started this (about 3 hours in)'s good fun but I have no clue what I'm doing :lol:
Ditto, started it did a mission or two then bought cod ghosts and advanced warfare and not gone back. Moved onto the order 1886 now which I'm enjoying.
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