Save Seaburn

Credit where it is due, Cath has at least attempted to organise the group recently. However, in general, it’s been woeful
TBH the way labour are at the moment the labour mp’s will be bricking it. She only needs to put the footwork in and get a petition together of local voters to rattle a few cages. They can’t afford to lose thier strong hold.
TBH the way labour are at the moment the labour mp’s will be bricking it. She only needs to put the footwork in and get a petition together of local voters to rattle a few cages. They can’t afford to lose thier strong hold.
I think she has lost the first battle, Miller is going to get permission for the 64 homes they are proposing from what I'm hearing.
TBH the way labour are at the moment the labour mp’s will be bricking it. She only needs to put the footwork in and get a petition together of local voters to rattle a few cages. They can’t afford to lose thier strong hold.
It’s Tory here and has been as long as I can remember
Not really a parliamentary matter, local planning mate. Pretty sure MPs don’t give a shiny shite
Seeing that she’s been quite vocal about the regeneration of the sea front along with it being close to the top of the councils things to do list, she maybe give a lightly polished turd about it.
I’m certain she will have been contacted several times about the issue. I maybe wrong though.
I'm expecting her to chain herself to a machine at some point.:lol:

It's shame for her, really. I just don't think she's had the support that she thought she'd get - apart from Poirot, obviously.

I reckon he's a mole for Siglion, anyway. They've sent him in to put a spanner in the works of any objections.

"Leave it with me people, I'll arrange a website. And meetings. And letter templates. And I'll do it in the last week of an 8 week window of opportunity. It's bound to work!"
