Roker Beach Front

Any dog that off the lead and out of site from its owner its potentially gonna drop one and it wont get picked up!! Worse in parks when the dog is likely to be out of site from its owner more than on the beach.
Winds the fuck out of me worse in the summer when the parks stink of shit !!!
I have 2 dogs BTW.
Yet there's a big petition to against letting them on the beach during the day . They are a nuisance, Ive been down the past couple of days biking and walking and you are literally weaving through dogs on long leads blocking the path, avoiding piss, shit and even bags of shit.
Yet there's a big petition to against letting them on the beach during the day . They are a nuisance, Ive been down the past couple of days biking and walking and you are literally weaving through dogs on long leads blocking the path, avoiding piss, shit and even bags of shit.
Long/extending leads should be illegal.
Video the (I would imagine relatively few) dog walkers who don’t pick up their own shit and then have them named and shamed on social media.
There are no GDPR issues as the beach is a public space.
(While social media is generally corrosive for society, there could actually be a net positive good if it was used like this).
Video the (I would imagine relatively few) dog walkers who don’t pick up their own shit and then have them named and shamed on social media.
There are no GDPR issues as the beach is a public space.
(While social media is generally corrosive for society, there could actually be a net positive good if it was used like this).
Somebody did this on my estate. Bloke left a dog shit and somebody shared their CCTV footage on Facebook. Meanwhile the bloke had been home and got a poo bag and had been and picked it up. Poor bloke. :lol:
Council have spent a canny bit in signs for the area, even in Houghton there’s new ones up. There are some bastards about like.
Maybe the council can go round the area, pick all the dogshit up and fill the potholes up with it that they seem to be ignoring.
Too many scruffs selling coke and breeding dogs to top up their Universal Credit.

They can't work as they have anxiety or depression.

They sell said dogs to other scruffs.

Scruffs don't pick up shit.
What did we do before poo bags?

Im sure me grandad had a small metal dust pan.
This reminded me of when I was a (young) teenager and our dog was getting old, she often used to poo on the floor during the night. My Mam and Dad said whoever got up first had to pick it up and put it in newspaper then into the bin outside. I hated getting it up off the floor so used to use the cake slice to slide it up off the floor & slop it into the newspaper, then I'd run it under the hot tap and put it back in the drawer 🤢 I can't believe I did it looking back.
Why do people pick up dog shit and hang the bags on trees etc, ?

Dog poo when it breaks down contains ammonia..if you put it in a clear bag and hang it on a tree the ammonia reacts with the sunlight and gives off a luminous’s quite common in Scandanavian countries.
