Masks and exercise

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I suppose you are then guilty of making your body a good place for the virus to thrive and mutate...

By far the biggest percentage of deaths are over 80 a short head second are severle obese unfit people who sit all day eating pies while waiting on a hospital appointment to have their lower leg amputated because of diabetes.

Why do you still see posters in a GP surgery about over prescribing of antibiotics? and the subsequent dangers antibacterial resistance?, So why should healthy younger people be made to have a vaccine?

By far the biggest percent of deaths from covid are people who are over 80 and younger people make up less than 2 percent. To roll out a programme of trying to vaccinate everyone is madness imo.
I totally agree with kerbing the spread with lockdown restrictions... but there still is a major role for herd immunity
Most people born before 1969 have immunity to the chinese was bad 80,000 deaths, but we gained herd immunity. Under 30 should take herd immunity, it will serve them better. bring your chiild up in a sterile enviroment and you'll screw their immunity.

229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 are flu viruses that we live with every year of our lives. We generally build immunity throught the year. That immunity is now compromised because of lockdowns, social distancing and masks. When you factor in H1N1 (Spanish flu) it makes for a very worrying winter to come. Viruses were here long before we existed. They balance nature when it fucks up, or a species doesn't treat the planet right. You dont fear viruses and you don't hate respect them. Nature doesn't do sentiment or woke, so no reason either of these components will save our sorry arses.
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