Low Carb Diet

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Cheers. As of today it's 2 stone 6 off and another 3 weeks left on this part of the plan. Feeling fairly energised. Breakfast this morning was a bit of a struggle as the bairns left their croissants all covered in butter and jam. Was difficult to just hoy them in the bin!

Looking forward to my next weight target which should hopefully happen this week.

Haha I bet. What's the plan when it comes to an end?

Haha I bet. What's the plan when it comes to an end?
Slowly increase the carbs and calorie count. Either that or do something like a five two. Feel very aware of what processed carbs in large quantities have been doing to me. Definitely not going back to them in a big way.
That's me on a new number. 40lbs (2 stone 12lbs) lost in 38 days. Am a little off plan today but back on track first thing.

Two and a half weeks left in this stage and am really pushing on for 50lbs off by day 56.

Had a chat with a pal today who does sports and nutrition for a living and is gonna help with an activity plan for HIIT exercises to make sure I capitalise on the weight lost by keeping muscle mass.
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