Loneliness and that

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It’s a big bad world
Group hug for every race & creed
Including short folk , dwarfs & all the lanky folk ( everyone forgets about the lanky ones) high fives

I grew up surrounded by a nice family but we didn’t really discuss personal problems we just got on with things. I hated most of secondary school, some of the lads were total ***** and still are total *****.

I was in the school football teams, in the top sets, but zero confidence and I felt lonely. Even now only a few people understand me so I tend to withdraw from social situations.

:lol: We’ve got as far as heavy petting so I’ll rein it in a bit :eek:
It’s intetesing that you say that Steveo. Being in the team you would think you’d get kudos. Then again, it’s no a john hughes film, so maybe not.
How much of your time do you spend alone?
Just been reading some leaflet in the docs about preventing loneliness and suicide. It’s obviously a real problem for some people, especially the elderly. I still have all of my family, and several different sets of friends but it must be hard for those who aren’t so lucky.

So what percentage of your time do you spend alone? And sleeping doesn’t count if you sleep with someone else.
It’s about 35% of my life for me, but I enjoy my own company. I bet there’s some of you who work alone and have huge percentages though? Hope the SMB acts as some kind of surrogate family if you’re one of the lonely people. We’re always here to talk, folks.
Being lonely isn't dependent on being alone. You can be lonely in a room full of people or a bad marriage etc
I have changed.
In my 20’s and 30’s life and soul but now in a job managing people all over the World (no look at me) gone completely the other way.
Can’t wait to get away from people and have a smaller circle of friends mainly around football. After that the family, dog walking on my own and fishing when I can.
My choice and happy with that.
Been out tonight with Mrs and another couple and had a superb night.
love a bit of alone time and do my best thinking and thoughts out walking with my dog and he doesn't talk back either he just gives me unconditional love .... people can be evil sometimes
Spend quite a lot of time alone due to her shift's.
I chose not to have any close friends for a particular reason so it's my fault.
Professional loner here, been on the road for over 18 years, most of it on my todd, have work interaction, away from that, rarely contact with others. I do make hello type mates at the gym, sports clubs, just to break the loneliness. Sat in heathrow airport now, not spoken to anyone since leaving work yesterday.
Professional loner here, been on the road for over 18 years, most of it on my todd, have work interaction, away from that, rarely contact with others. I do make hello type mates at the gym, sports clubs, just to break the loneliness. Sat in heathrow airport now, not spoken to anyone since leaving work yesterday.

I enjoy my time alone as does my wife so after we've had dinner together and have spent a couple of hours talking after dinner, we each go off and do our thing. She will be inside working on her plants (not a euphemism, I swear) and I will be in the backyard reading and listening to music. It's important to have balance in your life. I balance out my time by making time to spend with my wife, with my friends, with my family, and alone.
Are they "special" plants? :lol:
:lol: I understand how you feel this way. I do sometimes but cling on to my Hippy hopes.:lol:

When there is just me and my dog out for a walks in forests, fields, beaches or meadows, my life is bliss without humans to bother us. Loneliness sounds a bad word but it can be a good thing too.:)

I think I would be happy with just the 2 mutts. Had them out at 4:30 this morning for a 1 and a half hour walk, never saw another person. Saw rabbits, a badger, heard owls, it was great. A hell of a lot better than working with the vile 3 fuckers at work
There’s loads of people whose marriages break down and they immediately go looking for someone else and end up moving in after about 5 minutes. It seems some people can’t function as solo units.

I have a good friend like that. Just can't be on his own. His marriage of 20 years broke down and he was out on the hunt straight away. He'd get with someone, decide that it wasn't for him & go looking again straight away. His current one now, he's with a while, but she's tough work, I reckon. I asked him to go for a pint one night when his lass was on nights, but he said no because she go mad if she found out. Another time, we were having a pint one afternoon when she was in bed after nights. She woke up, realised he wasn't there & texted him to get home from wherever he was or she would smash the house up. & he went.

I'd rather be single.
Never alone often, happy enough to go for a pint on my own but rarely do. Enjoy walking the dog or running in my own, that’s about all I get.

A lot of people in here saying they love being alone but I doubt it’s that true, or you wouldn’t come on here looking for interaction with others. Humans are social beings and are generally unhappy without others. As seal said, it’s the loneliness that’s the killer.
Men die earlier because we have less friends and become more isolated as we get older.

Whatever way you look at it, being lonely is bad for your health.
Yep I’ve kind of been there and I’m sure I was depressed at the time.
Think I'm lucky in that I'm happy on my jack and equally enjoy being around people. The little one keeps me company most hours at home which is absolutely fine by me. She's probably the person I enjoy spending most time with.
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